A unique frame ID for a topic appears on the Topic Editor toolbar as you navigate to each frame. This ID can be used as a reference point as you develop content and distribute it to subject matter experts for review. The expert can reference the frame ID in the Player so you can quickly find the corresponding frame in the Topic Editor using the Go To command on the Edit menu. You can enable the display of the frame ID for playback by configuring the ShowFrameID variable, found in the PlayerConfig section, to one of the following:


On - The frame ID is always visible.

Off - The frame ID is not visible. This is the default setting.

<Key> - The frame ID is enabled by a key combination. Authored keys always take precedence over the frame ID key. Possible key combinations are limited to Shift + function keys, Shift+F1 through Shift+F12. Notation in the file should be "ShiftF1", "ShiftF2", and so on.


As with all publishing elements and variables, changes to the ShowFrameID variable should be make in a skin. It may be useful to create a skin designed to publish content for review. To enable the frame ID for all packages you publish with this skin, copy the ShowFrameID variable (and the beginning and ending PlayerConfig section tags) from the config.xml file in the Player publishing style to the config.xml file in the skin and change the variable setting.


Note: While you can directly edit the variable in the Player publishing style, the setting is not preserved during application upgrades. Changes made directly to the Player publishing style are not supported.


You can also enable the frame ID display in a published Player package by editing the same variable in the config.js file at the root of the package.

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