Insert a Hyperlink to a Web Page

After completing this topic, you will be able to insert a hyperlink to a web page.


  1. Hyperlink the text "View tab" in the last sentence of the first paragraph under the Margins section.


    Click before the word View.

    Step 1
  2. Press the [Shift] key and click in after the tab text.

    Step 2
  3. Create a hyperlink to the Work with Views web page.


    Click the Hyperlink button.

    Step 3
  4. Browse to the location of the target web page you want to link.


    Click the Browse... link.

    Step 4
  5. Select the web page to which you want to link the text.


    Click the Work with Views web page.

    Step 5
  6. Click the OK button.

    Step 6
  7. Add a tooltip.


    Click in the Tooltip field.

    Step 7
  8. Enter the desired information into the Tooltip field. Enter

     a valid value
     "View tab options"

    Step 8
  9. Click the OK button.

    Step 9
  10. The hyperlink appears for the text.

    Step 10

After completing this topic, you are able to insert a hyperlink to a web page.