While taking the subject, you can use the Notebook feature to record notes, if this feature is enabled. You can add text to a note, just as if writing a note in a paper notebook. You can view these notes later, or use them as a bookmark to specific topics or information in the subject. Later, you can open the note from the Notebook page in the Knowledge Center and return to the subject.

There is an Add Note icon at the top of each page while you are working with the subject content. Click this icon to open the Note window. The Description field displays the name of the outline item; however, you can edit the description text as desired. The text in this field appears on the Notebook page, followed by the subject title. Below the Description field is the Additional Notes field where you can enter up to 255 characters of text. You can enter a brief description of the note, plus more detailed information, if desired.

If the Note window blocks your view of the subject content, it can be moved by dragging the window title bar to the desired location.


Note: If you have already added a note to a particular outline item, the icon changes to View Note.

ProcedureTo add a note while taking the subject:

  1. Click Add Note Add Note.
  2. Edit the information in the Description field as desired.
  3. Add text in the Additional Notes field as desired.
  4. Click Save.

ProcedureTo edit a note while taking a subject:

  1. Click View Note View Note.
  2. Edit the information as desired.
  3. Click Save.

ProcedureTo delete a note:

  1. Click View Note View Note.
  2. Click Delete.

Warning! Once you click the Delete button, the note is deleted and the action cannot be undone.

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