Delete SAN Host Before FSPM Installation

Before you install the FSPM software on a SAN host, you need to delete any SAN host on an Pillar Axiom system or Oracle FS System that was manually created for that SAN host.

During installation, FSPM automatically creates a host entry for the host in the Oracle FS System Services and associates the host's initiators with the entry. If you manually associated any of the host's initiators with a host entry and mapped LUNs to the host, you must delete that host entry before installing FSPM on the host. If you do not follow this process to delete the host entry, the LUN mappings are deleted and you need to recreate the LUN mappings after installing FSPM.
Note: In this section, all references to GUI screens refer to the layout of the Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) version 6.1. Other GUI versions are organized differently, but all versions offer equivalent functionality. Review the Administrator’s Guide for details on how to access the features in older versions of the GUI.
  1. From the GUI, navigate to the SAN > Storage > Hosts page.
  2. Select the host you want to delete.
  3. Select SAN > Storage > Hosts > Actions > Delete Host
    Result:The Delete SAN Host dialog is displayed.
  4. On the Delete SAN Host dialog, make sure Delete mappings and initiators? is not checked, which is the default value. If the box is checked, uncheck the box. This saves the associated LUN mappings to the host which FSPM restores as part of the FSPM installation process.
    Figure 1 Delete SAN Host Delete SAN Host 
  5. Select OK to delete the SAN host.
You can also delete the SAN Host using the Oracle FS CLI. Review the Oracle FS CLI Reference Guide for further information.