FC HBA and FCoE Filesets

The FC-COMMON.FC-SNIA fileset must be installed prior to installing the driver package.

All relevant Fibre Channel drivers and associated software must be version B.11.31.0809 or later. The FC-COMMON.FC-SNIA fileset (part of the CommonIO bundle) must be installed. This fileset should be installed before the driver package to ensure that associated parts of the driver package are also installed. Before you install Oracle FS Path Manager (FSPM), use the following command to verify installation of the required filesets:
# swlist -R CommonIO FibrChanl-00 FibrChanl-01 FibrChanl-02 FibrChanl-03
Extracts from sample output of the swlist command follow. The versions shown are the minimum required.
Note: The descriptive information that appears at the end of each line in the output has been removed.
In all cases, the following filesets must be installed:
CommonIO                   B.11.31.0809
CommonIO.FC-COMMON         B.11.31.0809
CommonIO.FC-COMMON.FC-SNIA B.11.31.0809
If you are using Tachyon HBAs, the following filesets must be installed:
FibrChanl-00                          B.11.31.0809
FibrChanl-00.FC-TACHYON-TL            B.11.31.0809
FibrChanl-00.FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-KRN  B.11.31.0809
FibrChanl-00.FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-RUN  B.11.31.0809
If you are using QLogic HBAs, the following filesets must be installed:
FibrChanl-01                   B.11.31.0809
FibrChanl-01.FC-FCD            B.11.31.0809
FibrChanl-01.FC-FCD.FC-FCD-KRN B.11.31.0809
FibrChanl-01.FC-FCD.FC-FCD-RUN B.11.31.0809
If you are using Emulex HBAs, the following filesets must be installed:
FibrChanl-02.FC                       B.11.31.1303   
FibrChanl-02.FC-FCLP                  B.11.31.1303   
FibrChanl-02.FC-FCLP.FC-FCLP-KRN      B.11.31.1303   
FibrChanl-02.FC-FCLP.FC-FCLP-RUN      B.11.31.1303   
If you are using Emulex CNAs, the following filesets must be installed:
FibrChanl-03                          B.11.31.1303   
FibrChanl-03.FC-FCOC                  B.11.31.1303   
FibrChanl-03.FC-FCOC.FC-FCOC-KRN      B.11.31.1303   
FibrChanl-03.FC-FCOC.FC-FCOC-RUN      B.11.31.1303