Operating Limits

FSPM provides access over multiple data paths to LUNs defined on an Oracle FS System.

FSPM and the Oracle FS System operating software limits are described in this document.
Table 1 FSPM operating limits
FSPM capabilities Maximum value
Target storage systems Eight for each FSPM host in any combination of Oracle FS Systems and Pillar Axiom systems
Connect to LUNs

Up to 256 for each Pillar Axiom system and 4096 for each Oracle FS System

Handle data paths 32 to each LUN
Handle FC HBA ports 32 for each SAN host

The Linux device-mapper and other parts of the Linux system limit the total number of devices and paths that can be used. The operating system administrator can change some of these limits. Please refer to the operating system administrator’s guide to change these values.

Important! Not all combinations of the operating limits were tested. If you configure an operating system to operate at or near these limits, the system might not work properly when these limits are used concurrently with each other.