Verify Installation of Device Mapper and Multipath Tools

The Linux device-mapper, among other uses, maps a logical block device on the SAN host to a LUN. The Linux Multipath Tools use Device Mapper to present the multiple paths to a LUN as a single device. The Oracle FS Path Manager (FSPM) daemon monitors the Multipath Tools and integrates with the Multipath Tools to provide multipathing.

FSPM requires the device-mapper and multipath—tools version that comes with the Linux distribution.

  1. Verify that device-mapper package is installed.
    Run the following commands:
    # rpm -qa | grep device-mapper | grep -v multipath

    Result:The output displays all versions of all installed packages that include device-mapper in their names.
  2. If the device-mapper packages are not installed, install them.
    You can install the packages from your Linux installation media or the operating system vendor website.
  3. Verify that the Multipath Tools packages are installed.
    Run the following command:
    # rpm -qa | grep multipath

    Result:The output displays all installed packages that include multipath in the package names. The name of the Multipath Tools package differs between distributions but is usually multipath-tools or device-mapper-multipath. Some distributions also require a second package which is usually named device-mapper-multipath-libs.
  4. If the Multipath Tools packages are not installed, install the packages and any dependencies. You can install the packages from your Linux installation CDs or the operating system vendor website.