Stop and Start the FSPM Service

Follow these instructions to stop or start the Oracle FS Path Manager (FSPM) service (also referred to as a daemon) that runs on the host where FSPM is installed.

FSPM installs a service which monitors status and manages the Control Path connections to an Oracle FS System. The service is configured to start automatically when the host is booted up, and to remain running until the host is shut down. (When the host is restarted, the service is restarted.) Generally, you do not need to stop or start the service after installation. As part of troubleshooting procedures, Oracle Customer Support can request you to stop and start the service. Do not stop the service unless requested by Oracle Customer Support since stopping the service can cause diagnostic information to be lost.

The following information describes how to determine if the FSPM service is running. This information also describes how to restart the service, stop the service, and start the service.

Note: Stopping or restarting the service can delete diagnostic information which is useful when investigating problems. You should only stop or restart the service if you are performing troubleshooting procedures, or if you are requested to do so by Oracle Customer Support. If you are trying to resolve a problem with FSPM, collect logs from the Oracle FS System before restarting the service. Make sure you include the FSPM host in the collected set of system logs. See the Oracle Flash Storage System Administrator’s Guide or the Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) online help for information on how to collect system logs.
  1. Verify that you have administrator privileges to restart, stop, and start services.
  2. To verify the status (running or stopped) of the FSPM service on the host, run the following command from the command line:
    svcs fspmd 
    If the FSPM service is stopped, you need to start the service.
  3. To restart the FSPM service, run the following command from the command line:
    svcadm restart fspmd 
    After restarting the FSPM service, verify that the service status is running.
  4. To stop the FSPM service, run the following command from the command line:
    svcadm disable -t fspmd 
    After stopping the FSPM service, verify that the service status is stopped by repeating the previous steps.
  5. To start the FSPM service, run the following command from the command line:
    svcadm enable fspmd 
    After starting the FSPM service, verify that the service status is running by repeating the previous steps.