Microsoft Windows Knowledge Base MPIO Articles

Oracle FS Path Manager (FSPM) uses the Windows Multipath I/⁠O (MPIO) feature. Unless your system already has some other MPIO-based multipathing solution installed, the installation of FSPM will install and enable MPIO. It is therefore possible that issues caused by this Microsoft multipathing feature may become apparent on your system after installing FSPM. The following table lists current entries in the Microsoft Windows Knowledge Base describing issues that may apply when Microsoft MPIO is implemented on your system.

Table 1 Microsoft Windows MPIO knowledge base articles
Article ID Summary
977506 The iSCSI Software Initiator Setup program does not select the default options as expected.
977567 An upgrade from Windows Server 2008 SP1 to Windows Server 2008 R2 rolls back if the default SAN policy is set to "offline shared"
978562 The "Validate Multiple Arbitration" test on a Windows Server 2008 R2-based failover cluster may incorrectly fail.
947788 The System Recovery Tool in System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 cannot create recovery points when the protected server is a passive node of a cluster or when the protected server has multipath I/⁠O disks.
951434 The Windows Server 2008 cluster validation process may fail when disjoint iSCSI networks use the same subnet.
951590 Multipath I/⁠O disks may disappear after you use the Hot Add Processor feature to add a new CPU to a Windows Server 2008-based computer.
952779 A Windows Server 2008-based computer that has a single-processor stops responding if an MPIO-connected device is repeatedly connected and then disconnected.
953531 A "0x0000007E" Stop error occurs in Windows Server 2008 after you unmount and delete a persistent VSS snapshot.
953652 A physical disk resource may unexpectedly fail or go offline when the IsAlive function is executed on a Windows Server 2008 cluster node.
957509 Stop error when you use a Microsoft Device Specific Module in Windows Server 2008: "0x000000C2".
957522 The Windows Server 2008 system may stop responding when an error occurs on one of the logical units of a storage array that is connected over a single MPIO path.
958912 A Windows Server 2008-based computer may stop responding when you use a Device Specific Module that plugs into MPIO.
961570 The system becomes unresponsive after the primary MPIO path is disconnected on a Windows Server 2008-based computer.
961891 Error message when you try to restart or shut down a Windows Server 2008-based computer that is connected to an MPIO-controlled storage device: "Stop 0x0000009F".
963702 A Windows Server 2008 Failover Cluster that has an MPIO solution may encounter stop code 0x0000007E or 0x000000D5 during a path failover.
967349 Access to an MPIO-controlled storage device fails on a Windows Server 2008-based computer after you disconnect and then reconnect all data cables.
967724 A Windows Server 2008-based computer that has the MPIO solution installed and that has many LUNs attached stops responding during the startup process after you install hotfix 963702.
967999 A Stop 0x0000007E error may occur when you start a Windows Server 2008-based computer from an iSCSI boot device that is connected over MPIO paths.
968287 The MPIO failover process does not complete on a Windows Server 2008-based computer that uses Microsoft Device Specific Module for MPIO.
970525 Cluster resources fail over before the time expires in the PDORemovePeriod parameter in Windows Server 2008.
972324 Support for an adjustable PathRecoveryInterval in Windows Server 2008.
973607 When MPIO disks are enumerated under stress, ports may be missing from Device Manager Location field.
973663 After you generate an MPIO configuration report on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2, some the text in the report is not readable.
974878 PhysicalDisk counters contain invalid and duplicate entries when you use MPIO to control one or more storage devices.
977506 The iSCSI Software Initiator Setup program does not select the default options as expected.
977567 An upgrade from Windows Server 2008 SP1 to Windows Server 2008 R2 rolls back if the default SAN policy is set to offline shared.
978562 The Validate Multiple Arbitration test on a Windows Server 2008 R2-based failover cluster may incorrectly fail.