[21487142] Installation Sets Oracle Directory to 500 Permissions

When the oracle-fspm or the oracle-fspm-params package is installed, updated, or repaired, the permissions and the ownership of the /opt/oracle directory are set to specific values.

When any of the above actions occur, the /opt/oracle directory is set as follows:
dr-x------. 3 root root 4096 Aug 3 18:21 /opt/oracle

These settings can cause problems for other software that had been installed previously and for software that is installed into this directory in the future.


If the directory already exists before installing an FSPM package, record the ownership and the permissions of the directory before installing FSPM. Then, after the installation, restore the ownership and the permissions back to the original values. For example:
# ls -ld /opt/oracle
d-wx-wx-wx. 2 bin sys 4096 Aug 3 18:43 /opt/oracle

# getfacl -p /opt/oracle > /tmp/oraperms

# rpm -Uvh oracle-fspm-params-6.6.6-1.noarch.rpm
Preparing...                ###########################################
   1:oracle-fspm-params     ###########################################

# ls -ld /opt/oracle
dr-x------. 3 root root 4096 Aug 3 18:46 /opt/oracle

# setfacl --restore=/tmp/oraperms

# ls -ld /opt/oracle
d-wx-wx-wx. 3 bin sys 4096 Aug 3 18:46 /opt/oracle
Alternatively, you can reset the values manually:
# ls -ld /opt/oracle
d-wx-wx-wx. 2 bin sys 4096 Aug 3 18:20 /opt/oracle

# rpm -Uvh oracle-fspm-params-4.0.8-1.noarch.rpm
Preparing...                ###########################################
   1:oracle-fspm-params     ###########################################

# ls -ld /opt/oracle
dr-x------. 3 root root 4096 Aug 3 18:21 /opt/oracle

# chown bin /opt/oracle
# chgrp sys /opt/oracle
# chmod 333 /opt/oracle
# ls -ld /opt/oracle
d-wx-wx-wx. 3 bin sys 4096 Aug 3 18:21 /opt/oracle
Note: The original settings of /opt/oracle in this example are for illustration purposes only. It is very unlikely that your directory would have these settings.
If the directory did not exist before you installed FSPM, but you later have problems installing other products because of the permissions on this directory, change the permissions to allow access. For example:
# ls -ld /opt/oracle
dr-x------. 3 root root 4096 Aug 3 18:21 /opt/oracle

# chmod 755 /opt/oracle
# ls -ld /opt/oracle
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Aug 3 18:21 /opt/oracle