Select Components — This screen is where you select the components to be included in the repository you are creating. This screen comprises three panels.

On the left is a status tree that indicates the step in the installation process represented by the screen.

At the top of the right panel is some instruction text. Beneath that text is a disabled radio button labeled Select existing prefix; to its right is drop-down combo box. Beneath this line is another radio button, this one enabled and selected, labeled Create new prefix; to its right is an edit box wherein text is entered. Beneath this control is a two-column table from which you select the components you want to include in your repository. The table columns are labeled Component and Schema Owner.

Beneath this panel is a panel reserved for system messages. In this example, it is blank.

At the bottom right of the screen is a Help button. At the bottom left are four buttons labeled, left to right, Back, Next, Finish, and Cancel. In this example, Finish is disabled.