Chapter 10. Using Versions

When a record (that is, a key-value pair) is initially inserted in the store, and each time it is updated, it is assigned a unique version token. The version is always returned by the method that wrote to the store (for example, KVStore.put()). The version information is also returned by methods that retrieve records from the store.

There are two reasons why versions might be important.

  1. When an update or delete is to be performed, it may be important to only perform the operation if the record's value has not changed. This is particularly interesting in an application where there can be multiple threads or processes simultaneously operating on the record. In this case, read the record, examining its version when you do so. You can then perform a put operation, but only allow the put to proceed if the version has not changed (this is often referred to as a Compare and Set (CAS) or Read, Modify, Write (RMW) operation). You use KVStore.putIfVersion() or KVStore.deleteIfVersion() to guarantee this.

  2. When a client reads data that was previously written, it may be important to ensure that the Oracle NoSQL Database node servicing the read operation has been updated with the information previously written. This can be accomplished by passing the version of the previously written data as a consistency parameter to the read operation. For more information on using consistency, see Consistency Guarantees.

Versions are managed using the Version class. In some situations, it is returned as part of another encapsulating class, such as KeyValueVersion or ValueVersion.

The following code fragment retrieves a record, and then stores that record only if the version has not changed:

package kvstore.basicExample;


import oracle.kv.Key;
import oracle.kv.Value;
import oracle.kv.ValueVersion;
import java.util.ArrayList;


ArrayList<String> majorComponents = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> minorComponents = new ArrayList<String>();


// Define the major and minor path components for the key


// Create the key
Key myKey = Key.createKey(majorComponents, minorComponents);

// Now retrieve the record. Note that we do not show the creation of 
// the kvstore handle here.

ValueVersion vv = kvstore.get(myKey);
Value value = vv.getValue();
Version version = vv.getVersion();


////////////// Do work on the value here //////////////////


// Put if the version is correct. Notice that here we examine
// the return code. If it is null, that means that the put was
// unsuccessful, probably because the record was changed elsewhere. 
// In this case, you could retry the entire get/putIfVersion 
// operation.
Version newVersion = kvstore.putIfVersion(myKey, value, version); 
if (newVersion == null) {
    // Unsuccessful. Someone else probably modified the record.