Scheduled Reports Overview

You can schedule a report to be generated at a time and frequency that you specify.

You can use reporting schedules to generate different types of reports whenever you need them. The Oracle FS System generates these scheduled reports at the desired time and lists them on the Generated Reports page for you to download in the format of your choice.

All schedules for generating reports are listed on the Reporting Schedules page. You can create new reporting schedules, and view, modify, or delete existing schedules, from the Reporting Schedules page.

You can create a reporting schedule and enable the schedule to start generating reports immediately at the specified start time. Or, if you prefer, you can store the schedule on the Reporting Schedules page and enable the schedule later. You can also disable a schedule temporarily (if, for example, you want to keep it from interfering with scheduled maintenance) and then enable the schedule again. Deleting a schedule removes the schedule from the system, but disabling a schedule leaves the schedule available for enabling later on.

Scheduled reports continue to be generated until you disable or delete the reporting schedule.

Here are some examples of reports you can schedule; the frequency you schedule these reports depends upon your storage environment: