Storage Class Description

The Storage Class QoS property allows you to specify the preferred storage media to use for a logical volume.
A Storage Class is a specific categorization of SAS physical storage, each category having distinct characteristics with regard to capacity and to data access performance. Available Storage Classes:
Performance SSD

Specifies that the data is stored on solid state drives (SSDs) that are optimized for the performance of balanced read and write operations.

Capacity SSD

Specifies that the data is stored on SSDs that are optimized for the performance of capacity and for read operations. The write performance for this Storage Class is sacrificed somewhat to achieve the optimizations for read performance and for capacity.

Performance Disk

Specifies that the data is stored on high-speed hard disk drives (HDDs). This Storage Class sacrifices some capacity to reduce the access time and the latency of the read operations and of the write operations.

Capacity Disk

Specifies that the data is stored on high-capacity, rotating HDDs. This Storage Class optimizes capacity at some sacrifice of speed. For a storage system that does not include tape storage as an option, this Storage Class always provides the lowest cost for each GB of capacity.

A Storage Class relates to storage objects in the following ways: