Storage Profiles

When configuring a logical volume, you can select a collection of predefined properties to apply to that volume. This collection of properties is called a Storage Profile.

When using a specific Storage Profile, you can select a profile that you have previously created and saved, one of the pre-configured profiles, or create a new profile.

After a volume is created using a Storage Profile, removing the profile does not affect the performance characteristics of that volume.

The following properties define a Storage Profile:
RAID level

Identifies the storage mechanism that is used to enhance the ability of the system to recover data from the loss of one or more drives.

Read ahead

Identifies the read‑ahead policy that the system uses for sequential read operations. The policy determines the amount of additional data, if any, that the system places into the Controller cache.


Identifies the priority that the system gives to various operational aspects of a logical volume, such as the Controller processing queue. The processing-queue priority defines the percentage of the Controller CPU cycles that are dedicated to the volume. Identifies as well where the data is striped on rotating drives.

Stripe width

Identifies the number of drive groups over which the data is written.


Identifies the write‑caching rules to use for the profile.

Preferred Storage Classes

Identifies the type of physical media on which the data is stored.