System Time Synchronization

You can set the properties of the system time to synchronize the Oracle FS System clock time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server or you can set the date and time manually.

To set the Oracle FS System time, use one of the following options:

Use External Time Source
Synchronizes the system time with an external NTP server.
Important! Do not attempt to use a Windows system as an NTP server unless that system has a third-party NTP service such as Meissner installed. Alternatively, use a Linux‑ or Unix‑compatible NTP server and sync both the Oracle FS System server and the Windows Time Service to that server. For more information about configuring time services, refer to Appendix H: Configuring Time Services for a Heterogeneous UNIX and Windows Environment (
Note: If the primary NTP server is not available, the Oracle FS System consults the secondary servers in round-robin fashion until a connection is made.
Use Internal Hardware Clock
Allows you to set the system time manually. This option is not valid when Oracle FS SecureWORMfs filesystems exist on the system. Oracle FS SecureWORMfs requires an NTP server, as does CIFS authentication as well as many NFS environments.