Dashboard Overview Page

Navigation: System > Dashboard

Displays the recent system alerts and event notifications for the Oracle FS System. The dashboard also provides bar graphs that represents the capacity for each Storage Class within the Storage Domains.

Recent Alerts and Events

Lists the recent system alerts and event notifications for the Oracle FS System.


Displays the 10 most recent alerts and error notifications for the Oracle FS System. The dashboard lists the system alerts first, followed by the severe event notifications. Select an item to display the details about the alert or event.

Possible severity levels:

Requires prompt action to prevent system failures or offline conditions.


Requires no immediate action for minor conditions that you can address at your convenience.


Displays the information about the system alert or event notification.

Creation Date

Indicates the date and time when the system alert or event notification occurred.

Storage Domains

Displays graphically the storage classes, and their capacities, for each Storage Domain of the Oracle FS System.

Valid media types:
Performance SSD

Specifies that the data is stored on solid state drives (SSDs) that are optimized for the performance of balanced read and write operations.

Capacity SSD

Specifies that the data is stored on SSDs that are optimized for the performance of capacity and for read operations. The write performance for this Storage Class is sacrificed somewhat to achieve the optimizations for read performance and for capacity.

Performance Disk

Specifies that the data is stored on high-speed hard disk drives (HDDs). This Storage Class sacrifices some capacity to reduce the access time and the latency of the read operations and of the write operations.

Capacity Disk

Specifies that the data is stored on high-capacity, rotating HDDs. This Storage Class optimizes capacity at some sacrifice of speed. For a storage system that does not include tape storage as an option, this Storage Class always provides the lowest cost for each GB of capacity.

For each storage class, the dashboard graphically displays the Storage Domain physical capacities. The graph uses colored bars of different thicknesses to indicate the capacity status of each storage class. Hover the mouse pointer over each graph to display the capacity type.
Note: Drive manufacturers often report drive capacities in decimal units (powers of 10). An Oracle FS System reports the capacity of physical storage and the size of logical volumes in binary units (powers of two):
  • 1 MB = 10242 (1,048,576) bytes
  • 1 GB = 10243 (1,073,741,824) bytes
  • 1 TB = 10244 (1,099,511,627,776) bytes
Possible physical storage capacities:
Free Space

Displays the amount of capacity that is available for allocation in the indicated Storage Class.

Used Capacity

Displays the amount of capacity that is consumed by data and system overhead.

Total Capacity

Displays the total amount of raw capacity provided by the drive groups that are defined within the indicated Storage Class.

Allocated Space

Displays the amount of capacity that has been assigned and designated to all storage classes residing on the indicated Storage Class.

Preparing Capacity

Displays the amount of capacity that is being initialized. This value typically results from a volume having been deleted. This value decreases over time while the value for free space correspondingly increases for the indicated Storage Class.

Allocated to Logical Maximum

Displays the maximum capacity to which the Storage Class can grow.

The dashboard provides a refresh button ( alternate image text ) in the upper‑right corner of the page that allows you update the contents of the page.