Events Properties Dialog

Navigation: System > Alerts and Events > Event Log > Actions > Event Properties

Views detailed information for a selected event.
Copy to Clipboard

Copies the contents of the event properties to your clipboard. For example, click Copy to Clipboard to copy the event properties to the clipboard. You can then paste the information into an email and send the email to a system administrator.


Displays the name of the event in the Oracle FS System event log.

Identifies the type of event. Valid values:

Events to notify of a security problem, such as an unauthorized request.


Events that track what users are doing, such as the operations that they performed.


Events to notify of system problems, such as a missing Drive Enclosure or Controller.

Time Occurred

Identifies the time at which the event was sent to the designated recipients.


Identifies the name of the user logged in at the time the event occurred.

Affected Item

Provides the specific object name affected by the Event Type. For example, if the Event reads Drive Enclosure Firmware Invalid, then the Affected Item column lists the Drive Enclosure name that caused the event to occur. Such details provide more information for troubleshooting purposes.


Displays the event description text. The Description also provides more information that Oracle Customer Support can use to help resolve the event.