LUNs Overview Page

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Displays performance statistics for LUNs.

Identifies the name that is assigned to a LUN for administrative purposes.

Physical Allocated Capacity

Identifies the capacity, in gigabytes (GB), that is reserved for the LUN.

Priority Level

Identifies the priority level assigned to the specified LUN.

Valid levels:
  • Archive
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Premium

Indicates the average read and write operations per second.


Indicates the data transfer rate in MB/s for read and write operations.

I/O Latency

Indicates the average time, in milliseconds, to complete the read operations or write operations.

I/O Size

Indicates the average size of the read operations and write operations.

Collection Period

Displays the start and the end time at which information was last collected from the Oracle FS System.

To generate real-time statistics for a LUN, select a LUN, then select Actions > LUN Real Time Statistics. Click Add Graph and select a statistic (you can review the following list for details).

The statistics displayed include:

Indicates the average number of read operations per second.
Write IOPS
Indicates the average number of write operations per second.
Read bytes per second
Indicates the rate at which the system has transferred bytes from a drive during read operations.
Write bytes per second
Indicates the rate at which the system has transferred bytes to a drive during write operations.
Read latency
Indicates the average time to complete a read operation.
Write latency
Indicates the average time to complete a write operation.
Read block size
Displays the average amount of data read that are red in a read operation.
Write block size
Displays the average amount of data that are written in a write operation.
Total block size
Displays the average amount of data that are transferred in a read or write operation.
Read queue depth
Displays the number of read operations that are waiting to be fulfilled, on average.
Write queue depth
Displays the number of write operations that are awaiting to be processed, on average.
Total bytes per second
Displays the total bytes transmitted per second, on average.
Total IOPS
Indicates the total number of read and write operations per second.
Total latency
Indicates the average time to complete operations.
Total queue depth
Displays the total number of I/O operations that are queued for processing, on average.