Modify Clone FS Job Schedule Dialog

Navigation: NAS > Storage > Filesystems > Actions > Modify > Data Protection > Clones > Modify

Updates the properties of an existing Clone FS schedule.
Schedule Name

Identifies the name of the schedule.

Volume Group

Allows you to assign the clone volume to an existing volume group.

Indicates whether the schedule is enabled.
  • Enable the schedule so that the operation is performed at the specified time.
  • Disable the schedule so that operations are not performed. This option allows you to define a schedule before the source volume has been made available to users.
Start Time

Identifies the date and time at which the Oracle FS System starts a scheduled operation.

Valid options:
Run Once
Indicates that the schedule runs immediately and only one time.
Indicates that the schedule runs every hour.
Indicates that the schedule runs every day.
Indicates that the schedule runs every week.

Identifies how often the system should perform the scheduled operation. Valid values vary based on the recurrence interval and frequency of the schedule.

Valid values are listed in the following table.
Table 1 Schedule recurrence intervals
Recurrence interval Valid values
Hourly 1 through 24
Daily 1 through 7
Weekly 1 though 52