Networking Overview Page

Navigation: System > Global Settings > Networking

Lists the networking properties for the Oracle FS System.

Management Interface

DHCP Enabled

Specifies whether the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is enabled.

IP Address

Identifies the public or the shared IP address that is assigned to the Pilot. This IP address is what the administrator uses to access the Oracle FS System over the management interface.

Subnet Mask

Assigns the subnetwork mask for the public IP address that is permanently assigned to the Pilot.


Assigns the IP address of the gateway network node in the subnetwork of which the Oracle FS System (the Pilot) is a member.

MAC Address

Identifies the unique network identifier of the active Pilot node. When a Pilot node fails, the passive node becomes the active node. The MAC address changes to the unique network identifier of the formerly passive node


Identifies the actual port speed and duplex mode at which the management interface is running.

DNS Settings

Primary DNS Server

Identifies the IP address of the primary Domain Name Server (DNS) that is used to resolve the IP addresses.

Secondary DNS Server

Identifies the IP address of the secondary DNS server that should be used if the primary DNS server cannot be reached.


Email Enabled

Identifies whether email is enabled to notify recipients of system events.

Email Server IP

Identifies the IP address of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server that receives system event notifications.

Email Server Port

Identifies the port that the SMTP server listens to for incoming email requests.

Email Flood Preventions

(Optional) Specifies the interval, in seconds, that the Oracle FS System waits before sending event notification emails to the administrator for the same event.

Event Triggered

Indicates whether event-triggered Call‑Home is enabled.

Standard Periodic

Indicates whether standard Call‑Home messages are scheduled and enabled.

Larger Periodic

Indicates whether larger Call‑Home messages are scheduled and enabled.

Large Files

Indicates whether large files are sent to the Call‑Home server.

Call‑Home Matrix Version

Indicates the revision level of the Call‑Home matrix.

iSCSI Connectivity and Communication

Device Name

Identifies the name of the iSCSI initiator for the SAN host. An initiator encapsulates SCSI commands and data requests within iSCSI packets and transfers the packets across the IP network.

Device Alias
Identifies an easily understood, alternative name for the iSCSI device. By default, the device alias is constructed using the Oracle FS System model plus the system serial number using the following format:
  • Oracle FS System <model‑number> SSN:<serial‑number>
Header Digest

Identifies that the system is using iSCSI header digests.

Data Digest

Identifies that the system is using iSCSI data digests.

iSNS Settings

iSNS Server Registration

Identifies whether the Oracle FS System iSCSI targets are registered in the iSNS server.

iSCSI Security

Access Control

Specifies that the Oracle FS System rejects iSCSI login attempts from initiators that have not explicitly been granted permission by the user through the Oracle FS System Manager interface or Oracle FS CLI.


Identifies the authentication of the host (initiator) during login.

Authentication Server

Indicates the server name used to authenticate the iSCSI requests.

Bi-directional CHAP Enabled

Identifies the status of the CHAP protocol for data requests (from the iSCSI initiator) and request responses (from the iSCSI target).