Storage Domains Overview Page

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Lists the properties of each Storage Domain that is defined on this Oracle FS System.

Specifies the name of the Storage Domain and the names of the drive groups that are assigned to the domain.

Note: The primary drive group in a Storage Domain is indicated by this icon  alternate image text . The primary drive group contains system configuration information.
Storage Domain Status

Provides the operating condition of the Storage Domain.

Status conditions include:

Indicates that no action is required.

Background Activity

Indicates that a process is running which effects the Storage Domain. For example, if you started a Compact Storage Domain process, the Storage Domain status would change from Normal to Background Activity.

Drive Group Status

Indicates the operating condition of the drive group.

Status conditions include:

The drives are accessible and no action is required.

Degraded Warning

A drive has failed but this is not yet critical. This applies only to double parity.

Degraded Critical

Two or more drives have failed. The loss of one more drive causes a failure.


Multiple drives have failed. The drives are offline and data may be lost.

Tier Reallocation

Identifies the tier reallocation status of the Storage Domain. When tier reallocation is enabled, the Oracle FS System dedicates resources and uses statistical data and QoS priority property to migrate data from one storage tier to another.

Valid states:

Indicates that the tier reallocation is active on the Storage Domain. Enabled makes possible the migration of high-usage data to higher performing storage tiers in this Storage Domain.


Indicates that tier reallocation is not active on the Storage Domain. Disabled does not allow the migration of high-usage data to higher performing storage tiers in this Storage Domain.

Statistics Collection Disabled

Indicates that statistical data used by the Oracle FS System to migrate the data is not collected. Oracle recommends not using this option as the statistical data is required for the tier reallocation process.

Tier reallocation disabled

Indicates that the tier reallocation is not active. The statistics collection is active.

Media Type

Specifies the category of physical media that comprises the drive group.

Valid media types:
Performance SSD

Specifies that the data is stored on solid state drives (SSDs) that are optimized for the performance of balanced read and write operations.

Capacity SSD

Specifies that the data is stored on SSDs that are optimized for the performance of capacity and for read operations. The write performance for this Storage Class is sacrificed somewhat to achieve the optimizations for read performance and for capacity.

Performance Disk

Specifies that the data is stored on high-speed hard disk drives (HDDs). This Storage Class sacrifices some capacity to reduce the access time and the latency of the read operations and of the write operations.

Capacity Disk

Specifies that the data is stored on high-capacity, rotating HDDs. This Storage Class optimizes capacity at some sacrifice of speed. For a storage system that does not include tape storage as an option, this Storage Class always provides the lowest cost for each GB of capacity.

Enclosure Chassis ID

Displays the numeric identifier of the Drive Enclosure. The Enclosure Chassis ID is located and displayed on the front of the Drive Enclosure. The numeric values range from 01 to 99; the hexadecimal values from A0 to FF.

Physical Capacity

Note: Drive manufacturers often report drive capacities in decimal units (powers of 10). An Oracle FS System reports the capacity of physical storage and the size of logical volumes in binary units (powers of two):
  • 1 MB = 10242 (1,048,576) bytes
  • 1 GB = 10243 (1,073,741,824) bytes
  • 1 TB = 10244 (1,099,511,627,776) bytes

Displays the amount of capacity that has been assigned and designated to all logical volumes residing on the indicated Storage Domain.


Displays the amount of capacity that is available for allocation in the indicated Storage Domain.


Displays the amount of capacity that is being initialized. This value typically results from a volume having been deleted. This value decreases over time while the value for free space correspondingly increases for the indicated Storage Domain.

Total Capacity

Displays the total amount of raw capacity provided by the Drive Enclosures that are defined within the indicated Storage Domain.

Physical Distribution
Provides a graphical representation of the capacity that is used compared to the maximum that is allocated