Configure Controller CPU Real-Time Statistics

You can display statistics, which are percent time in kernel and total percent time busy, for a selected Controller CPU. The statistics and are used to identify performance issues in the system.

The CPU statistics are used to identify trends in Controller CPU usage.

  1. To generate statistics about a Controller CPU, navigate to System > Reporting and Statistics > CPU Statistics.
  2. Select a Controller.
  3. Select Actions > Controller CPU Real Time Statistics.
    When you select a real-time statistic, default statistics are automatically graphed and displayed. You can add or remove statistics as needed.

    For Controller CPU real-time statistics, the default statistics graphed and displayed are percent time in kernel and total percent time busy.

  4. Select Add Graph, then select either Percent Time in Kernel or Total Percent Time Busy.
  5. Click OK.
    After you select and display one statistic, you can select the other statistic to be displayed as a separate graph within the same panel. For example, you could select Percent Time in Kernel and display that graph and then choose Total Percent Time Busy and also display that graph in the same panel. With both graphs displayed, you can view the statistics at the same time.
  6. To delete a graph, click Remove Graph.

A graph displays the data for the statistic that you selected. The displayed data is updated every second.