Configure Drive Group Real-Time Statistics

You create a real-time statistics graph to display drive group statistics.

  • Review the list of statistics that is available for the drive groups.

Statistics for drive groups are available in real-time and are updated every second.
  1. To access real-time statistics for a drive group, navigate to System > Reporting and Statistics > Drive Group Statistics.
  2. Select the drive group.
  3. Select Actions > Drive Group Real Time Statistics.
  4. Click Add Graph, select a statistic, and click OK.
    If you want to display another statistic, select Add Graph, select a statistic, and click OK. A graph for that statistic is added to the Drive Group Real Time Statistics below the first graph.
    You could also select another drive group and display a real-time statistic graph for that drive group. With both real-time graphs displayed, you can compare statistics between the drive groups.
  5. To delete a graph, click Remove Graph