Create Single‑Tier LUN: Define Quality of Service

Define the Quality of Service (QoS) attributes to allocate the storage resources that are necessary to create the Single-Tier LUN.

Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) provides a list of Storage Profiles that contain QoS attributes. When you select a Storage Profile, the system automatically fills in the QoS fields with the values defined for the Storage Profile. Selecting a Storage Profile disables the custom QoS settings. To define custom QoS settings, you can create your own Storage Profile. A custom Storage Profile can then be selected from the Storage Profile list.

Storage Domains enable storage administrators to assign logical volumes to specific Storage Domains. Such assignments can be made to reduce contention among volumes, to implement different levels of security for those volumes, or both. When more storage capacity is required, the administrator can add drive groups to the Storage Domain.

Volume groups allow you to group logical volumes into one administrative unit. You can then treat this volume group as a single, large volume.

  1. Navigate to SAN > Storage > LUNs.
  2. Select Actions > Create.
  3. Click Single Tier.
  4. (Optional) From the Storage Domain list, select the Storage Domain that you want to assign to the LUN.
    If necessary, click the browse button, […] to display a list of available Storage Domains.
    Note: The Storage Domain list displays only when administrator-defined Storage Domains exist. If no administrator-defined Storage Domains exist or you do not assign the LUN to a specific Storage Domain, then the system assigns the LUN to the default Storage Domain.
  5. Enter a name in the LUN Name field.
  6. (Optional) From the Volume Group list, select the volume group that you want the LUN to belong.
    Note: If necessary, click the browse button, […] to create a volume group.
  7. To use the QoS properties of an existing Storage Profile, select the Use Storage Profile field, and then select the desired profile from the list.

    Selecting a Storage Profile sets the remaining QoS property fields to read‑only and displays the Advanced QoS settings that are associated with the Storage Profile.

  8. Select the Storage Class where you want to store the LUN.
    Possible classes:
    • Capacity Disk

    • Capacity SSD

    • Performance Disk

    • Performance SSD

  9. (Optional) Select the Basic link.
    The indirect QoS properties display. Available selections:
    • Typical Access

    • I⁠/O Bias

    • Redundancy

  10. (Optional) From the Typical Access list, select the common access method for this LUN.
    Available access methods:
    • Sequential

    • Random

    • Mixed

  11. (Optional) From the I⁠/O Bias list, select the typical read‑write ratio for this LUN.
    Available biases:
    • Read

    • Write

    • Mixed

  12. (Optional) From the Redundancy list, select the number of parity bits to copy for this LUN.
    Available redundancies:
    • Single

    • Double

  13. (Optional) Select the Advanced link.
    The direct QoS properties display. Available selections:
    • RAID Level

    • Read Ahead

    Important! Selecting Advanced QoS properties clears the Basic QoS selections.
  14. (Optional) From the RAID Level list, select the RAID level to associate with this LUN.
    Possible RAID levels:
    • Single Parity

    • Double Parity

    • Mirrored

  15. (Optional) From the Read Ahead list, select the read‑ahead policy to apply to this LUN.
    Valid policies:
    • Normal

    • Aggressive

    • Conservative

  16. (Optional) From the Priority Level field, select the desired option for the LUN.
    Valid choices:
    • Premium

    • High

    • Medium

    • Low

    • Archive

  17. (Optional) From the Migration⁠/Copy Priority list, select the priority to define how the system performs background copies.
    Valid choices:
    • System Chooses

    • Minimize Impact

    • Maximize Speed

  18. In the Allocated and Addressable fields, specify the logical capacities for this volume.
    Note: Use the storage capacity usage graphs to determine the impact on the storage requirements for the LUN.
  19. To create the LUN now, click OK.
Clicking OK creates the LUN using the default settings on the remaining tabs. You can perform the tasks associated with the other tabs to fine‑tune the remaining LUN properties. The default properties include:
  • The LUN is assigned to the default Volume Group and the default Storage Domain.

  • The LUN is mapped to the same host entry as the most recent LUN mapping.

  • The system does not create repository capacity for Clone LUNs.

  • The system does not create schedules for automatic Clone LUNs.