Print a Real-Time Statistics Graph

Print real-time statistics graphs to provide a graphical snapshot of the trends shown at one point in time in the chart.

You can copy, save, or print a real-time statistics graph as a file when the graph is displayed in the Real Time Statistic Graph dialog. For example, if you are reviewing CPU Statistics, a graph for either Percent Time in Kernel or Total Time Busy is displayed in the Controller CPU Real Time Statistics dialog. You can copy, save, or print that graph as a PNG file.

Copied, saved, or printed graphs provide a snapshot of the statistics shown at one point in time.

  1. Choose a function where real-time statistic graphs are available:
    • System > Reporting and Statistics > Drive Group Statistics

    • System > Reporting and Statistics > CPU Statistics

    • SAN > Statistics and Trending > LUNs

    • SAN > Statistics and Trending > Controller Protocols

  2. Select one of the following actions to access the real-time graph function:
    • Actions > Controller CPU Real Time Statistics

    • Actions > Drive Group Real Time Statistics

    • Actions > LUN Real Time Statistics

    • Actions > FC Port Real Time Statistics

    • Actions > iSCSI Port Real Time Statistics

  3. Click Add Graph, select a statistic, and click OK.
  4. Click inside the graph, and then click the right mouse button to modify the graph.
    A menu is displayed with choices for modifying the graph.
  5. Select Print and then follow your operating system print instructions.
The system sends a print image of the real-time statistics graphic to the printer you selected.