Shut Down the Oracle FS System

Use the shut down option to systematically shut down all of the software that is running on the Oracle FS System. After the software is shut down, you can safely power off the hardware.

The Oracle FS System is composed of many hardware components and software processes that have dependencies on other components and processes. To ensure that all dependencies are satisfied and that the Oracle FS System is shut down in an orderly fashion, use the Shut Down option.

While the system is in a shutdown state, the Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) is still running and accessible. The only actions that you can perform from the GUI are to display system status, collect logs, and restart the Oracle FS System.

  1. From Oracle FS System Manager (GUI), select Oracle FS > Shut Down.

    The system displays the Confirm Shut Down dialog.

  2. Important! Shutting down stops all software processes and closes the data path. While the system is shut down, users cannot access data.

  3. Read the information on the Confirm Shut Down dialog.
  4. To shut down the system, click OK.
The system status icon changes to a yellow triangle with the message: Prepare for Shutdown. The system continues to shut down all of the software processes, however the GUI remains running. After the software is shutdown, the System Information page displays, Shutdown.

When you are ready to restart the system, use the Oracle FS > Restart action.

If the shutdown fails, the system displays a System Alert indicating the shutdown failure. That System Alert presents an option to force the system shutdown.
Use of the force shutdown action will cause data loss.
The option to force a system shutdown should only be used when it is absolutely necessary. For example, shut down the system when you need to power off the facility.