Update Tier Reallocation Options

You can temporarily disable one or both of the following aspects of storage tier reallocation: the migration of data and the collection of statistics. For example, disabling the migration of data allows you to suspend data tier reallocation for all of the auto-tiered LUNs in the Storage Domain.
Important! Disabling the tier reallocation options affects data migration for all of the LUNs that are assigned to the selected Storage Domain. Use caution before disabling these features.
  1. Navigate to System > Storage Domains.
  2. Select the Storage Domain to update.
  3. Select Actions > Modify Storage Domain.
  4. (Optional) Deselect the Enable Tier Reallocation option.
  5. (Optional) Deselect the Enable Tier Reallocation Statistics Collection option.
  6. Click OK.

To resume normal tier reallocation operations, remember to enable the tier reallocation and statistics options.