Upload the Software and Firmware Package

After downloading a software and firmware update package from My Oracle Support (MOS), and extracting the RPM files from the ZIP archive, you can stage (upload) the RPM files on the Pilot to prepare the system for the software and firmware update. You can perform the update immediately or schedule the update for a later time.


Place the update package on a workstation or client located on the same network as the Pilot or on a workstation located on a network that has a LAN connection speed to the Pilot of at least 100 Mb/s. The workstation must support either Oracle FS System Manager or Oracle FS CLI.

  1. Navigate to Support > Software and Firmware.
    The summary page displays the software and firmware packages currently installed on the Drive Enclosures, Drives, Pilots, and Controllers, as well as any staged software and firmware packages.
  2. From the Software and Firmware page, click Upload Software Package.
  3. From the Upload Software Package dialog, click the browse button […].
  4. In the Upload Software Package dialog, navigate to the software package you downloaded, highlight it, and click Open.
  5. Click OK.
    Result:The software package is placed onto the Pilot. When the upload is complete, the update package displays in the Staged Software and Firmware panel.
    Tip: Click Tasks on the Software and Firmware screen to view the staging progress in Oracle FS System Manager. The staging task only appears on the screen after the RPM file has been uploaded.
After staging is complete, verify that the software or firmware module and the version number of a software or firmware module match what you intended to upload.