Drive Enclosure Strings

A string is a collection of Drive Enclosures that are connected by a common cable to the same SAS HBA port on both Controller nodes. A string consists of one to five Drive Enclosures. Drive Enclosures are assigned to strings at the factory.

Important! Temporary labels attached to the shipping boxes identify the factory configuration for the Drive Enclosure and the string assignment. Additionally, the build map included with the shipment also identifies the factory configuration for the Drive Enclosures and the string assignments. Install and cable the Drive Enclosures and strings according to the factory configuration. Installation services from Oracle Customer Support is highly recommended.

An Oracle FS System with two SAS HBAs installed can have one or two strings to support a maximum of 10 Drive Enclosures. A system with four SAS HBAs can have up to four strings to support a maximum of 20 Drive Enclosures. A performance system can have up to six strings to support a maximum of 30 Drive Enclosures.

The SAS cables connect from the Controller SAS HBA ports to the first Drive Enclosure and the third Drive Enclosure in a string. For small systems with less than three Drive Enclosures, the SAS cables connect from the Controller SAS HBA ports to the first Drive Enclosure and to the last Drive Enclosure in a string.

The following example shows the SAS cable connections for the first string configured in the system with five Drive Enclosures.
Figure 1 The first string with five Drive Enclosures The first string with five Drive Enclosures 
1 SAS HBA port 0 on Controller 1 and Controller 2
2 Drive Enclosure 3 (I/O module 1, port 0) in the first string and SAS HBA port 0 on Controller 2
3 Drive Enclosure 1 (I/O module 0, port 0) in the first string and SAS HBA port 0 on Controller 1

Each Drive Enclosure is assigned sequentially to the strings, one string at a time. The sequence of assigning strings is based on the performance capabilities of the drives installed in the Drive Enclosures. For optimal performance, the Drive Enclosures with the highest performance drives are first assigned to strings and then continue sequentially until all of the Drive Enclosures are assigned to strings.

The following table summarizes the sequence of assigning Drive Enclosures to strings.
Table 1 Sequence summary

Drive Enclosure

Type of Drive Enclosure

Order of string assignments based on the performance capabilities of the drives

DE2-24P Drive Enclosure with seven or 13 400GB SSDs

Performance SSD


DE2-24P Drive Enclosure with seven, 13, or 19 1.6TB SSDs

Capacity SSD


DE2-24P Drive Enclosure with 24 HDDs

Performance HDD


DE2-24C Drive Enclosure with 24 HDDs

Capacity HDD
