Installation Overview

Installation of a not racked Oracle FS System is the customer's responsibility unless installation services are purchased from Oracle or a servicing partner.

Oracle recommends that the components in the rack follow the recommended rack placement and cabling guidelines to the maximum extent possible. Use the labels on the shipping cartons as a guideline for planning the installation.

Note: Several factors must be considered prior to the installation of not racked Oracle FS Systems.
  • Available rack space

  • Excessive heat from the non-Oracle FS System components might impact the Oracle FS System components

  • Cooling requirements for non-Oracle FS System components might not be compatible with Oracle FS System components

  • Power requirements for both non-Oracle FS System components andOracle FS System components

  • Cable lengths

Note: Ensure that all site-preparation steps have been taken at the data center before starting the installation.
Note: Ensure that the rack is ready prior to starting the installation and meets all the rack specifications.

The following flowchart shows the sequence of tasks to perform to install a not racked Oracle FS System.

Figure 1 Oracle FS System: Installation overview Oracle FS System: Installation overview 
Do not turn on any power circuits until the installation of all ordered hardware is complete and all internal cables are in place. Turning on the power to the system prematurely can prevent the system from starting up correctly.
Note: Each circuit has its own amperage limits. Plug in the system components so that no PDU amperage limits are exceeded.
Tip: Review the information on Oracle FS System power requirements in this guide.