Oracle MaxMan Features

Oracle MaxMan enables you to monitor multiple Oracle systems (both Oracle FS Systems and Oracle Axiom Systems) from a single client application.

Oracle MaxMan enables you to create, save, and manage lists of Oracle FS Systems and Oracle Axiom Systems that you need to monitor. The list enables you to monitor a collection of Oracle FS Systems and Oracle Axiom Systems based on your criteria.

For example, you might create a list of systems based on geography, organization, or create a list with all available systems you need to monitor. You can add or remove the systems from the list as necessary. The list is saved to a local database on your workstation.

If there is an issue with a monitored system, from Oracle MaxMan, you can start the Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) or Oracle Axiom GUI to log into the system and resolve the issue.

For all monitored systems, Oracle MaxMan displays the following information:
The Summary view is organized as follows:
Status Overview
The Status Overview provides an overview of each system in the list of monitored systems. You can view the software version number, system status, hardware status, and number of system alerts.
Recent Alerts and Events
The Recent Alerts and Events lists the recent events and alerts for each monitored system in the list. Oracle MaxMan displays the 10 most recent alerts and events for each monitored system.
Storage Name and Physical Capacity
Provides an overview of the storage type and usage, including total disk space and free space for each monitored system.
Oracle Axiom Systems
The Oracle Axiom Systems view provides information on the monitored Oracle Axiom Systems in the list including hardware status, serial numbers, and network configuration information.
Oracle FS Systems
The Oracle FS Systems view provides information on the monitored Oracle FS Systems in the list including hardware status, serial numbers, and network configuration.
System Alerts
The System Alerts view displays alerts from all monitored systems in the list.
Recent Events
The Recent Events view displays the most recent events (up to 100 events) from all monitored systems in the list.
Software Modules
The Software Modules view displays software modules and versions of the monitored systems in the list.

The monitored system data that the Oracle MaxMan displays is automatically refreshed every five minutes. You can also refresh the displayed data using Refresh from the Main Menu. Once you start the Oracle MaxMan application, the application runs until you close the application. There is no time-out period due to inactivity.

Additional information on all Oracle MaxMan features is presented in this document.