Main Menu Navigation Description

From the Main Menu, you can create, manage, and delete the lists of the Oracle Flash Storage Systems and Oracle Axiom Systems.
The Main Menu contains provides access to these functions to create, manage, or delete lists of monitored systems.

After you clear the page you are viewing, you can create a new list of monitored systems from the cleared page.


Reads an existing list and displays the Oracle systems defined in the list.


Stores changes to your current list in the database on your workstation.

Save As

Stores your current list with a new name in the database on your workstation.


Removes the current list from the database on your workstation.

Manage List

Enables you to add new systems to your current list, modify the credentials of a system already in the list, or delete a system from the list. You can also create a new list.


Enables you to update the data displayed by Oracle MaxMan.


Provides access to the Oracle MaxMan User’s Guide.