Manage a Monitored System

When there is an issue, such as an alert, with a system you are monitoring from the Oracle MaxMan, you can launch the graphical user interface (GUI) of the Oracle FS System or the Oracle Axiom System from the Oracle MaxMan application to address the issue.

Oracle MaxMan must be running and the current list is open.
  1. From Oracle MaxMan, select an Oracle FS System or an Oracle Axiom System that you want to access to investigate a problem such as an alert.
  2. Right-click the system and select Manage Storage System.
    Result:The system login screen is displayed if the appropriate GUI version is available. If the GUI version is not available, a message Download GUI Version is displayed. Select Yes to download the required GUI version.
  3. Log in to the system using the appropriate login credentials.
Oracle MaxMan continues to run while you are logged into an Oracle FS System or an Oracle Axiom System. Logging out of a system does not affect Oracle MaxMan.