account list

Displays information about account sessions and account settings.


account ‑list 
   [‑account [account‑id‑or‑fqn [,account‑id‑or‑fqn]... ] ]
   [‑userSessions [session‑id‑or‑fqn [, session‑id‑or‑fqn]...] ]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


When you run the account ‑list command without specifying options, the Oracle FS System returns the following information:
  • Session information for the accounts that are currently logged in.

  • A listing of all accounts that are defined on the Oracle FS System.

To request information about your current session, run the account ‑list ‑userSessions command with the unique identifier (ID) or fully qualified name of your account. If you know the session ID, you can also use it to request information about your session.

When requesting detailed output, you can specify the ‑account option or the ‑userSessions option to limit the details that are displayed to only account information or session information. You can further refine your search criteria by specifying one or more account names or by specifying one or more user session IDs.

Note: Administrators with primary administrator, admin1, admin2, monitor, or support roles are authorized to run the account list command.


For accounts, displays the following information:
  • The account name

  • The role

  • The email address

  • The phone number

  • Whether an account is enabled

For each logged in administrator, displays all of the session information, including the user name, login time, and remote IP address. Displays the login time in the YYYY-MM-DD[THH[:mm[:SS[.xxx]]]] format. The T character is a literal separator that distinguishes the date portion of the timestamp from the time portion. The SS characters are seconds and the numbers displayed in the xxx placeholder after the dot ( . ) character are milliseconds. The time is displayed in GMT.


Specifies the fully qualified name (FQN) or unique identifier (ID) of the account. Account names are case sensitive.


Displays information about the specified user sessions. If you do not specify a session, information about all currently logged in user sessions on the Oracle FS System are displayed.



Display a list of all administrative sessions followed by account information.

  • None

$ fscli account ‑list