
Creates and manages the Call‑Home feature.


call_home { [ list | modify | reset | test | uploadMatrix] | [ usage | help ] }


Use the call_home modify command to enable and configure the Call‑Home feature. Call‑Home is a feature that, when enabled, works with the Auto Service Request (ASR) feature to send all notifications and associated logs about specific Oracle FS System events to My Oracle Support (MOS). After the ASR feature is activated, MOS expects to receive an event, known as a heartbeat, each day from the Oracle FS System. The daily heartbeat keeps the ASR feature in an active state. The following modify options keep the heartbeats active:
  • Setting the enableEventTrigger option enables the Call‑Home feature.

  • Setting the enableStandardPeriodic option on a daily schedule keeps the ASR feature active.

  • Setting the enableLargerPeriodic option on a weekly schedule ensures that Oracle Customer Support receives log bundles that include the complete system configuration and performance and statistical information.

You can use the call_home test command to verify the functionality and configuration of the Call‑Home feature. The test command is also used to activate the ASR feature, which should be completed at the time of installation.

Configure the Call‑Home feature to send the log bundles to the Oracle server. You can optionally use a proxy server if site security requirements do not allow direct connections to the Oracle server.

You can send the log bundles to a local server, if necessary. However, sending log bundles to the local server disables all ASR functionality. Instead, use the system_log collect sendToCallHome command to manually send log bundles to MOS. You can also associate the log bundle with an existing service request (SR) by using the collectionReason option with the system_log collect command.


Displays the Call‑Home settings.
Updates the Call‑Home settings.
Restores the Call‑Home feature functionality to the default settings.
Verifies the functionality of the Call‑Home feature.
Replaces the Call‑Home matrix file.



Display a list of all the Call‑Home settings and Matrix information that exists on the Oracle FS System.

  • None

$ fscli call_home ‑list