drive_group modify

Includes or excludes a drive group from a Storage Domain.


drive_group ‑modify 
   { ‑driveGroup drive‑group‑id‑or‑fqn [,drive‑group‑id‑or‑fqn]...
       { ‑includeInStorageDomain storage‑domain‑id‑or‑fqn
             [{‑rebalanceVolumes | ‑noRebalanceVolumes}]
       | ‑excludeFromStorageDomain
             [‑priority {default | maximumSpeed | minimumImpact}]
   | ‑cancelExcludeFromStorageDomain storage‑domain‑id‑or‑fqn

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


When the Oracle FS System creates a new drive group, the drive group is not associated with any Storage Domain. To assign the drive group to a Storage Domain, run the drive_group ‑modify ‑includeStorageDomain command. To create the Storage Domain, run the storage_domain ‑add command.
Important! Excluding the drive group reduces performance and causes latency while the Oracle FS System migrates the data volumes to the remaining drives. To address this, you can set a ‑priority option to minimize the impact. When adding a drive group to a Storage Domain that has drive groups already included in the Storage Domain, you can rebalance the existing data volumes. Rebalancing data volumes also reduces performance and causes latency while the Oracle FS System migrates the data. After the migration processes complete, expect increased performance and decreased latency.

Only administrators with primary administrator or admin1 roles are authorized to run this command.



Terminates the drive group exclusion operations that are currently processing. Resets the storage domain to the state that it was in before the drive group exclusion command was initiated.


Specifies the fully qualified name (FQN) or unique identifier (ID) of one or more drive groups. When a Drive Enclosure is added to the Oracle FS System, the system automatically allocates the storage by generating one or more drive groups. The drive_group ‑list command displays the names of all drive groups that are defined on the Oracle FS System. The FQN consists of the name that the system generates preceded by a forward slash (/) character.


Migrates the data volumes from the drives in the drive group onto other storage in the Storage Domain. Use with the ‑priority option to specify the priority of the background processes that perform the exclusion.


Includes the specified drive group in the Storage Domain. You can specify that the Oracle FS System rebalance the volumes across all drive groups in the Storage Domain. Not rebalancing the volumes is the default.


Specifies that the existing logical volumes are not rebalanced after one or more drive groups are added to a Storage Domain. This action is the default.

Specifies the priority of the background processes that migrate the data as a result of excluding the drive group from the storage domain:

Balances the impact and the speed based on the data access activity.


Increases the priority of the background operations.


Allows the background processes to run when the processes do not significantly impact I/⁠O.


Rebalances the existing volumes that reside on all of the drive groups in the Storage Domain after adding one or more drive groups to the Storage Domain.



Add the specified drive group to the specified storage domain without rebalancing the data volumes.

  • The fully qualified name (FQN) of the drive group: /⁠⁠ENCLOSURE01-DG001

  • The fully qualified name (FQN) of the storage domain: /⁠OracleDatabase12c

$ fscli drive_group ‑modify ‑driveGroup /⁠ENCLOSURE-1‑DG001 ‑includeInStorageDomain /⁠OracleDatabase12c