event_log list

Displays a list of events or types of events.


event_log ‑list 
   { ‑eventTypes
   | [‑severity severity‑value [, severity‑value ]... ]
     [‑before date‑time]
     [‑after date‑time]
     [‑eventType event‑type]
     [‑category category‑value [, category‑value]... ]
     [‑eventCount number‑of‑events]
     [‑startingIndex starting‑event‑index]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


The event_log ‑list command returns a listing of Oracle FS System events.

You can list a block of events by specifying the index of the first log entry and the number of log entries that meet your selection criteria that follow the first log entry. Use ‑startingIndex to specify the starting point and ‑eventCount to specify the number of log entries. Combined, the values you specify for the ‑startingIndex option and the ‑eventCount option determine the ending index.

To reduce the number of events that are displayed, run the event_log command with any combination of options. By choosing various option combinations, you can filter the output based on the following selection criteria:
  • Events by severity: informational, warning, or critical.

  • Events that were logged after a start date.

  • Events that were logged before an end date.

  • Events of the specified type.

  • Events by category: security, audit, or system.

  • A limited number of events.

  • Internal system events that are not generated by administrators.

The event_log ‑list ‑eventType command lists all event types that can be generated on the system. To display only the events of a specific type, select an event_type from the list of possible event types, and pass it into the event_log ‑list ‑eventType event_type command. In addition to the name of the event, specifying the ‑details option returns the following additional information for each event type:
  • Category

  • Severity

  • Short Description

  • Long Description

Note: An Oracle Customer Support representative might request that you capture the output of the event_log ‑list ‑details command in a file. Do not filter or reduce the size of the output that you generate.
Note: Administrators with primary administrator, admin1, admin2, monitor, or support roles are authorized to run the event_log list command, except for the ‑internal option. Only administrators with support roles are authorized to use the ‑internal option.



Requests events that were posted after the specified date and time. Use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Specify the before timestamp by using the YYYY-MM-DD[THH[:mm[:SS[.xxx]]]][+-HH:mm] format.


Requests events that were posted before the specified date and time. Use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Specify the before timestamp by using the YYYY-MM-DD[THH[:mm[:SS[.xxx]]]][+-HH:mm] format. The T character is a literal character that separates the date portion of the timestamp from the time portion. The SS characters indicate seconds and the xxx characters indicate milliseconds. The colon (:) and period (.) characters are required characters.

Displays events that fall within one of the following categories:
  • Security

  • Audit

  • System


Displays the details of each event or event type.


Limits the number of events returned to the value specified. The most recent events are returned first.


Displays the events in the event log that match the specified event type.


Displays a list of all known event types. If used with the ‑details option, the ‑eventTypes option also displays a description of each event.


Displays internal system events.

Note: Only administrators with support roles are authorized to run the event_log ‑list ‑internal command.
Displays events that have one of the following severity levels:

Requires no action for events that are information only.


Requires no immediate action for minor conditions that you can address at your convenience.


Requires prompt action to prevent system failures or offline conditions.

If not specified, displays events of all severities.

Defines a position within the event log from which to start listing events. Set the position by counting backwards in time. The most recent event has the starting index value of one.


Save a log of the summarized events to a local file.
Note: For each event, the summarized output contains the following types of information:
  • The severity of the event.

  • The timestamp of the event in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

  • The name of the event.

  • A short description of the cause of the event.

  • Local filename: Oracle_FS_events_2013.08.07

$ fscli event_log ‑list > Oracle_FS_events_2013.08.07