event_notification list

Displays a list of event notification entries.


event_notification ‑list 
   [‑eventNotification event‑notification‑id‑or‑fqn
                     [,event‑notification‑id‑or‑fqn]... ]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


Run the event_notification ‑list command to display the names of event notifications that are defined on the Oracle FS System. You can display the list of subscribers and severity levels for each notification by specifying the ‑details. To filter the list by the names of event notifications, run the event_notification ‑list ‑eventNotification event-notification-id-or-fqn command. Be sure to include a forward slash ( / ) character with one or more names that you provide.

Note: Administrators with primary administrator, admin1, admin2, monitor, or support roles are authorized to run the event_notification list command.



Returns detailed configuration and state information for the specified Oracle FS System components.


Specifies the fully qualified name (FQN) of the event notification. The name must be preceded by a forward slash (/). You can also specify the unique ID for the event notification.



List all event notifications and the subscribers to the event notifications that are defined on the Oracle FS System.

  • None

$ fscli event_notification -list ‑details