haltpoint add

Adds one or more active halt points for the specified components. Before adding halt points, contact Oracle Customer Support for instructions.


haltpoint ‑add 
   ‑haltpoint componentName:haltPointStep [, componentName:haltPointStep]...

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


Your Oracle Customer Support representative might request that you set up one or more active halt points for the specified components. As a new halt point is added, existing active halt points remain active until they are explicitly deleted.

Note: EXAMPLE – Only administrators with primary administrator or support roles are authorized to run the haltpoint add command.


Specifies one or more system components to which the halt point is added. Use the component names that your Oracle Customer Support representative specifies. Halt points are defined using a comma-separated list of the following sets of elements:
  • The name of the software component that is associated with the system halt point.

  • A colon ( : ) as a separator.

  • A start up phase or step.


Suppresses the FSCLI from displaying a message on the command line to warn the administrator that the new halt point is incompatible with one or more existing halt points.



Using the instructions from your Oracle Customer Support representative, set a halt point for the step in the start up process where the SAN software is started.

  • The component name: PDS_COMP_SAN

  • The halt point step: STOP_BEFORE_CONFIGURE_STARTED

$ fscli haltpoint ‑add ‑haltpoint PDS_COMP_SAN:STOP_BEFORE_CONFIGURE_STARTED