job add

Creates a job.


job ‑add 
   ‑name job‑name
   [{‑enable | ‑disable}]
   { ‑oneTime date‑time
   | ‑recurring
     ‑interval {hourly | daily | weekly | monthly}
     ‑frequency interval_frequency
     ‑startTime date‑time
   {  ‑addCloneLun
     ‑cloneName clone‑lun‑name
     ‑source source‑lun‑id‑or‑fqn
     [‑capacity capacity]
     [‑priority {premium | high | medium | low | archive}]
     [‑volumeGroup volume‑group‑id‑or‑fqn]
     [{‑fibreChannelAccess | ‑noFibreChannelAccess}]
     [{‑iscsiAccess | ‑noIscsiAccess}]
     [‑maskedControllerPorts /controller[/slot[/port]]
                        [, /controller[/slot[/port]]]... ]
     [{‑active | ‑inactive}]
     [{‑disableRefTagChecking | ‑enableRefTagChecking}]
     [‑bootLun | ‑noBootLun]
   | ‑addCloneFilesystem
     ‑source source‑filesystem‑id‑or‑fqn
     ‑cloneName clone‑filesystem‑name
     [‑dataTier (
         ‑tier tier‑id‑or‑fqn
         [‑tierName tier‑name]
         [‑capacity capacity]
         [‑priority {premium | high | medium | low | archive}]
          )... ]
     [‑volumeGroup volume‑group‑id‑or‑fqn]
     [{‑protection | ‑noProtection}]
     [{‑immutability | ‑noImmutability}]
     [{‑allowNonEmptyDeletion | ‑noAllowNonEmptyDeletion}]
     [‑wormCompliance {none | secure}]
     [‑minRetention number {days | months | years}]
     [‑maxRetention number {days | months | years}]
     [‑defaultRetention number {days | months | years}]
     [{‑expiredFileDeletion | ‑noExpiredFileDeletion}]
     [‑minSnapshotCapacity minimum‑snapshot‑capacity]
     [‑maxSnapshotCapacity maximum‑snapshot‑capacity]
     [{ ‑defaultSnapshotSchedule
      | ‑noDefaultSnapshotSchedule
     [{‑asynchronousJournaling | ‑noAsynchronousJournaling}]
     [{‑aTimeUpdates |‑noATimeUpdates}]
     [‑comment comment]
   | ‑generateReport
     ‑type {system | storageUse | volumeUse | performance
           | sanHosts | systemSummary | quotas | autoTier}
     [‑filesystem filesystem‑id‑or‑fqn]
     [‑storageDomain storage‑domain‑id‑or‑fqn]
     [‑language locale‑language ]
     [‑country locale‑country ]
     [‑variant locale‑variant]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


In creating a job, you define the properties of the following objects:
  • The job itself

  • The clone or the report that the job creates or generates when the job runs

Note: Only administrators with primary administrator, admin1, or admin2 roles are authorized to run the job ‑add command.



Instructs the Oracle FS System to record the access times when a file in the filesystem is updated.


Makes a Clone LUN visible on the network so that the clone can be discovered and accessed by a SAN host. By default, the Clone LUN is active.


Specifies that the job creates a point-in-time snapshot of a filesystem. The snapshot is referred to as a Clone FS. All clones are readable and writable and are partial-block copies of the specified source volume.


Specifies that the job is to create a point-in-time snapshot of a LUN . The snapshot is referred to as a Clone LUN. All clones are readable and writable and are partial-block copies of the specified source volume.


Specifies that the volume can be deleted even when the volume contains files. Furthermore, if the ‑noAllowNonEmptyDeletion option or the ‑secureWormFilesystem option is omitted, the volume can also be deleted when the volume contains files.


Instructs the Oracle FS System to write the client data to the secondary cache later. Delayed write operations to the secondary cache creates a risk of the cached changes being lost.

If the asynchronousJournaling option is omitted, the system writes the data to the primary cache and then immediately writes the data to the secondary cache.


For the ‑addCloneLUN option, identifies that the Clone LUN can be used as a boot drive in the SAN.


Specifies the storage space in gigabytes for the clone volume. Specify this value if you want the capacity of the clone volume to be different from the capacity of the source volume. This value must be equal to or larger than the source volume.


Specifies the name to use for the new Clone FS or for the new Clone LUN.


Defines a character string, such as a description, that the Oracle FS System associates with the filesystem clone.


Specifies the country locale (two uppercase letters that conform to ISO-3166) to use for generating the report. Use the country locale ISO code to specify the country locale when creating the report. For example, to request a report in Canadian French, you could use the variant fr_CA (language option combined with country option). You can find a copy of ISO-3166 at


Specifies the properties of up to three data tiers, each being a separate collection of contiguous storage for user data. When using the dataTier option, include the pair of parenthesis characters to delimit the specification of the ‑tier option. Up to three data tiers can be specified by repeating the ‑dataTier option, once for each tier.

By default, the Oracle FS System derives the properties of each data tier for the Clone FS from the data tier of the source filesystem.


For protected files that have no retention period specified, identifies the number of days, months, or years during which a protected file must be retained. The defaultRetention option can be specified for any type of filesystem. One of the following arguments must be specified for the time unit of the retention period: days, months, or years. When the ‑secureWormFilesystem option is used, the defaultRetention option must be specified using a value that is greater then zero.


Instructs the Oracle FS System to create a default snapshot schedule for the Clone FS.


Prevents the job from being active after the job is created.


Instructs the HBA to bypass the check of whether a host has written to a specific area of the LUN before the host reads from that same area. If this option is omitted, read-before-write error events can be generated.


Makes the job active. You can select the ‑enable option, the ‑disable option, or neither option. If you select neither option, the job becomes active after it is created.

Instructs the HBA to check whether a SAN host has written to a specific area of the LUN before the host reads from that area. When a host reads from a specific area before writing to that area, the Oracle FS System generates a read-before-write error event.
Note: This check is sometimes called a reference tag check and is a part of the process for ensuring data protection integrity.

By default, reference tag checking is enabled.


Allows the filesystem to delete files when the retention period expires, if the ‑defaultRetention option is also used. When the expiredFileDeletion option is omitted, the default action is for the filesystem to prevent the deletion of files when the retention period expires.


Allows users to access to the volume through the Fibre Channel (FC) ports. By default, FC access is enabled.


Identifies a filesystem in the Oracle FS System.

When the ‑quotas option is included in the command, the filesystem option must also be specified.


Defines the number of time units as specified by the interval option between the time when one task is run and the time when the next task is run. The value must be a positive integer.

For example, to create a Clone LUN once every two weeks, specify weekly for the ‑interval option and 2 for the ‑frequency option.


Specifies that the job creates a report.


Specifies that none of the files that are contained by the filesystem volume can be modified after the file is created. If this option is omitted, any file can be modified after the file is created.


Renders the LUN volume invisible on the network. An inactive volume is not accessible and cannot be used by a SAN host.

Defines the time unit to use as the basis for the repeating interval between the following tasks. Valid values:

Specifies that the interval is in hours.


Specifies that the interval is in days.


Specifies that the interval is in weeks.


Specifies that the interval is in months.


Allows access to the Clone LUN through the iSCSI ports.


Specifies the language. The format is two lowercase letters that conform to ISO‑639. Use the language ISO code to specify the language when creating the report. For example, to request a report in Canadian French, you could use the variant fr_CA (language option combined with country option). You can find a copy of ISO-639 at

Prevents SAN hosts from accessing the LUN through the specified Controller ports. If this option is omitted, the LUN can be accessed through any of the ports.
Note: If a Controller port is not masked, a SAN host can access the LUN through that port.
Specify the ports using the following arguments:

Specifies the ID or the fully qualified name (FQN) of the Controller that is hosting the port.


Specifies the PCIE slot number of the HBA on which the port is located. The slot number must be 0 or greater.


Identifies the port number on the HBA slot. The port number must be 0 or greater.

For example, /husky/0/1 specifies port 1 on HBA slot 0 of the Controller that is named husky.


Identifies the most number of days, months, or years during which a protected file must be retained. The maxRetention option can be specified for any type of filesystem. One of the following arguments must be specified for the time unit of the retention period: days, months, or years. If this option is omitted, the maximum retention period is set to the value of the ‑defaultRetention option.


Indicates the maximum amount of storage, in gigabytes, to reserve for storing snapshots of the filesystem. If the value is 0, the snapshots are allowed to consume all of the unused capacity that is allocated to the filesystem.


Identifies the fewest number of days, months, or years during which a protected file must be retained. The minRetention option can be specified for any type of filesystem. One of the following arguments must be specified for the time unit of the retention period: days, months, or years. If this option is omitted, the minimum retention period is set to the value of the ‑defaultRetention option.


Indicates the amount of storage, in gigabytes, to reserve for storing snapshots of the filesystem (Snap FSs). This storage cannot be used for filesystem data.

If minSnapshotCapacity is omitted, no capacity is dedicated to snapshots.


Specifies the name of the job. The name that you provide is used to create the fully qualified name (FQN) of the job. Use double quotation marks around names containing dashes.


Instructs the Oracle FS System not to record the access times when a file in the filesystem is updated. Preventing the recording of the access time improves the performance of the filesystem.

If the noATimeUpdates option is omitted, the system records the access times.


Specifies that the volume cannot be deleted when the volume contains files. Using the noAllowNonEmptyDeletion option and the ‑secureWormFilesystem option together identifies the volume as a compliance Oracle FS SecureWORMfs volume.


Instructs the Oracle FS System to write the client data to the primary cache and then immediately to write the data to the secondary cache.


Identifies that the logical volume cannot be used as a boot drive in the SAN.

Not using the LUN volume as a boot drive is the default action.


Instructs the Oracle FS System not to create a default snapshot schedule for the filesystem volume.

If noDefaultSnapshotSchedule is omitted, the system creates a default snapshot schedule for the volume.


Directs the filesystem to prevent the deletion of files when the retention period expires. When the ‑expiredFileDeletion option is omitted, the default action is for the filesystem to prevent the deletion of files when the retention period expires.


Disables access to the volume through the Fibre Channel (FC) ports.


Specifies that any file that is contained by the filesystem volume can be modified after the file is created. This capability is the default feature of the volume.


Disables access to the volume through the iSCSI ports.

By default, iSCSI access is not allowed.


Indicates that the filesystem is not to verify the integrity of the data in user files that are stored in the volume.


Defines the date and the time when the job is to run. The job is run only one time.

Use the following format for the date and the time:



Designates a 4‑digit year, a 2‑digit month, and a 2‑digit day. If the remaining values are omitted, the time is set to 12:00:00.000+00:00.


A separator that designates the start of the time portion of the string.

Designates the hours, the minutes, and the seconds (to three decimals) in terms of a 24-hour clock. If only HH is defined, the remaining values default to 00.


Designates the time zone as an offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in hours and minutes.

Identifies the priority that the system gives to various operational aspects of a logical volume, such as the Controller processing queue. The processing-queue priority defines the percentage of the Controller CPU cycles that are dedicated to the volume. Identifies as well where the data is striped on rotating drives. Valid priority levels:

Indicates the highest priority for responding to requests in the processing queue.


Indicates the next highest priority for responding to requests in the processing queue.


Indicates an intermediate priority for responding to requests in the processing queue.


Indicates the next to lowest priority for responding to requests in the processing queue.


Indicates the lowest priority for responding to requests in the processing queue.


Indicates that the filesystem is to verify the integrity of the data in user files that are stored in the volume. This protection uses MD5 checksums to verify the data. If this option is omitted, the integrity of the user data is not verified.


Causes the job to be run on a regular, repeating basis.


Specifies the unique ID or the fully qualified name (FQN) of the source volume to use when cloning the volume.


Defines the time and the date of when the task is to begin.

Use the following format for the date and the time:



Designates a 4‑digit year, a 2‑digit month, and a 2‑digit day. If the remaining values are omitted, the time is set to 12:00:00.000+00:00.


A separator that designates the start of the time portion of the string.

Designates the hours, the minutes, and the seconds (to three decimals) in terms of a 24-hour clock. If only HH is defined, the remaining values default to 00.


Designates the time zone as an offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in hours and minutes.


Specifies the fully qualified name (FQN) or the unique identifier (ID) of the Storage Domain on which the system bases the auto-tier effectiveness report. The storageDomain option is required when the ‑type option is set to autoTier.


Identifies the unique ID or the fully qualified name (FQN) of a filesystem data tier. The options that follow can be used to override the QoS properties of the source tier during the creation of the tier for the clone.


Specifies the name of the data tier for the Clone FS.

Specifies the type of report to generate. Valid types:

Returns information about the effectiveness of auto‑tiering for a Storage Domain. This option requires that the ‑storageDomain option be specified as well.


Returns performance information about the Oracle FS System LUNs. This information includes, for example, the I/⁠O operations per second and the I/⁠O MB per second for each LUN.


Returns detailed information about the capacity controls that exist for a filesystem. This option requires that the ‑filesystem option be specified as well.


Returns detailed configuration information about the SAN hosts and about the components that are configured on those hosts.


Returns detailed information on the configuration and the current status of the Oracle FS System and of all of its components.

Returns a configuration summary of the Pilots, the Controllers, and the Drive Enclosures, including the status of each of those components.

Returns capacity information for each logical volume in the Oracle FS System.


Specifies the locale variant to use for generating the report. Multiple variants can be connected with an underscore. For example, to request a report in Canadian French, use the variant fr_CA.


Specifies the fully qualified name (FQN) or the unique ID of a volume group to which the logical volume is assigned.

Identifies whether the volume is an Oracle FS SecureWORMfs volume and, if it is, whether the volume can be deleted when it contains user data. Valid arguments:

Specifies that the volume is not an Oracle FS SecureWORMfs volume.


Specifies that the volume is an Oracle FS SecureWORMfs volume. A file that is created in the volume is made immutable immediately after the file is created (similar to the ‑protection option). Also, the integrity of the data in the user files that are stored in the volume are verified with MD5 checksums (similar to the ‑immutability option).

The value for the ‑defaultRetention option must also be provided and have a value greater than zero.


Specifies that the volume is a secure Oracle FS SecureWORMfs volume (see the secure argument) that cannot be deleted when the volume contains files.

The value for the ‑defaultRetention option must also be provided and have a value greater than zero.



Add a new job using a point-in-time snapshot of a LUN.

  • The name of the job: job_1

  • The date and time when the job is to run: 2014-08-01

  • The name of the Clone LUN: clone_1

  • The (FQN) of the source volume to use when cloning: /⁠lun_1

$ fscli job ‑add ‑name job_1 ‑oneTime 2014‑08‑01 ‑addCloneLun ‑cloneName clone_1 ‑source /lun_1