storage_domain list

Displays the existing Storage Domains.


storage_domain ‑list 
   [‑storageDomain storage‑domain‑id‑or‑fqn [,storage‑domain‑id‑or‑fqn]... ]
   [‑driveGroup drive‑group‑id]
   [‑autoTier [‑allocation]]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


The output from the ‑list command displays only the existing Storage Domains. Instead of retrieving information for all Storage Domains, you can name specific Storage Domains, specific drive groups, or both.

Note: The output from the ‑list ‑details command includes the drive groups that are assigned to the Storage Domains.
Note: Administrators with primary administrator, admin1, admin2, monitor, or support roles are authorized to run the storage_domain ‑list command.



For each of the Storage Domains that contain QoS Plus storage tiers, displays a breakdown of the auto-tiered capacity by Storage Class and RAID level.


Limits the Storage Domains that are displayed to the Storage Domains that contain QoS Plus storage tiers.


Returns all of the properties of each of the specified Storage Domains, including the priority of the process that is excluding drive groups. If ‑details is omitted, the display includes only the fully qualified names of the Storage Domains.


Specifies the fully qualified name (FQN) or the unique identifier (ID) of the drive group for which the system is to return the Storage Domain that contains that drive group. If the drive group is currently being excluded from the Storage Domain, the system also returns the status of the drive group.


Specifies the fully qualified name (FQN) or the unique identifier (ID) of the Storage Domain for which a list of drive groups is to be displayed. If requesting the drive groups of multiple Storage Domains, provide a comma-separated list of Storage Domains.



Display a detailed list of a Storage Domain that exists on the Oracle FS System.

  • The FQN of the Storage Domain: /⁠domain_1

$ fscli storage_domain ‑list ‑details ‑storageDomain /⁠domain_1