system shutdown

Stops the data paths, writes the data from the Controller memory to permanent storage, and then places the Oracle FS System in shutdown status. The system should always be placed in shutdown state before the system is powered down. The Oracle FS System will continue to monitor system status, and will issue alerts and call homes if needed. The system will not allow data access until it is restarted.


system ‑shutdown 
   { [‑overridePinnedData]
     [‑serviceType {san | nas | sanBias | nasBias}]
     [‑ip ip‑address]
     [‑netmask netmask]
     [‑gateway gateway]
     [‑nameServer dns‑ip1 [, dns‑ip2]... ]
     [{‑enableDhcp | ‑disableDhcp}]
     [‑duplex {auto | 100f | 1000f | 10fGig}]
     [‑pilot1Ip pilot1‑ip‑address]
     [‑pilot2Ip pilot2‑ip‑address]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


During a system shutdown, the Oracle FS System writes to the storage arrays any data that is stored in cache. After this operation completes, the data is said to be flushed. Any data that was not written to the storage arrays is said to be pinned. The default behavior is for the Oracle FS System to cancel the system ‑shutdown command with an error when the Oracle FS System discovers any pinned data.

To identify the reason why data was not written to disk, inspect the output of the lun ‑list ‑details ‑bs ‑volumeGroup volume group id command in SAN environments, or the filesystem -list -details -filesystem filesystem-id-or-fqn -includeDataTiers -bs command in a NAS environment.

After addressing the cause of any detected pinned data, run the system ‑shutdown command. To restart without attempting to write any remaining pinned data to disk, run the system ‑shutdown ‑overridePinnedData command.

Note: Only administrators with primary administrator, or support roles are authorized to run the system ‑shutdown command. Only administrators with support roles are authorized to use the following options of the system ‑shutdown command:
  • ip

  • netmask

  • gateway

  • nameServer

  • enableDhcp

  • duplex

  • pilot1Ip

  • pilot2Ip



Disables the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

Sets the speed requirements and the duplex requirements for the Oracle FS System. The default value is auto.
Important! Do not change the default value unless you are connecting to a switch that is known to have problems with auto-negotiation. Manually setting the duplex to an incompatible speed can cause the Oracle FS System to become unreachable on your network.
Valid options:
  • auto – Determined by the Oracle FS System.
  • 100f – Full 100 Mbps
  • 1000f – Full 1000 Mbps
  • 10fGig– Full 10 Gbps

Specifies whether the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is enabled. The DHCP protocol can be enabled for the public management interface only.


Assigns the IP address of the gateway network node in the subnetwork of which the Oracle FS System (the Pilot) is a member.


Identifies the public or the shared IP address that is assigned to the Pilot. This IP address is what the administrator uses to access the Oracle FS System over the management interface.


Identifies the IP addresses of the Domain Name Servers (DNS) that are used by the Pilot to resolve the IP addresses in an ordered comma separated list, starting with the primary server.


Assigns a subnetwork mask for the static IP address that is permanently assigned to the Oracle FS System.


If there is a disabled Controller the system does not perform a normal shutdown. This option allows the system to be restarted. The status of the disabled Controller may or may not change on the resulting restart.


Restarts the Oracle FS System without completing any pending management operations.

If there is pinned data, it does not stop the process of restarting the system. The pinned data that cannot be written to physical storage is discarded.
Important! Contact Oracle Customer Support to resolve any issues with the Backend SAS Interconnect, a storage condition, or both, which might be causing the pinned data. Clearing pinned data guarantees that host data is deleted permanently.

Ignore the state of the system and continue with the shutdown operation.


Specifies the static IP address that is assigned to Pilot 1.


Specifies the static IP address that is assigned to Pilot 2.

Requests that the mode pages be reloaded on all of the drives. If an administrator has disabled the reload mode pages flag, the system ignores the resetModePages option.
Note: A drive mode page contains changeable values that are stored on a drive as part of the drive firmware. Do not reload or reset drive mode pages unless you are instructed to do so by Oracle Customer Support. Reloading or resetting drive mode pages increases the time that is needed to restart or to shut down the system.

Specifies the type of protocol support the Oracle FS System provides. Valid values: san, nas, sanBias, or nasBias. The correct Service Type for your system is specified on the Sales Order and the System Customer Information Documents and should not be changed. If the installed hardware in the Controllers does not allow the changed Service Type, the system will not boot. Modify the service type only as instructed by Oracle Customer Support.



Shut down the Oracle FS System.

  • None

$ fscli system -shutdown