time modify

Configures the Oracle FS System to use the internal hardware clock or an external NTP service or configures the date and time on the Oracle FS System.


time ‑modify 
   [‑dateTime date‑and‑time]
   [{‑ntpService | ‑noNtpService}]
   [‑ntpServiceIp ntp‑server‑ip [, ntp‑server‑ip]... ]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


If you are using an external time source to provide the current date and time for the Oracle FS System, you can configure up to three servers. Each time you run the time ‑modify ‑ntpServiceIp command to change one or more servers, specify all of the servers that you are making available to the Oracle FS System , not just the ones you are changing.
Important! Do not attempt to use a Windows system as an NTP server unless that system has a third party NTP service such as Meinberg installed.

If the NTP service is enabled, and you want to use the internal hardware clock on the Oracle FS System as the time source, first disable the NTP service by running the time ‑modify ‑noNtpService command. Then, run the time ‑modify ‑dateTime command to reset the time.

Note: Only administrators with primary administrator or roles are authorized to run the time modify command.



Sets the internal hardware clock. Use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Specify a timestamp by using the YYYY-MM-DD[THH[:mm[:SS[.xxx]]]] format. The T character is a literal character that separates the date portion of the timestamp from the time portion. The SS characters indicate seconds and the xxx characters indicate milliseconds. The colon (:) and period (.) characters are required characters.


Instructs the Oracle FS System to discontinue using the NTP service as a date and time reference.


Specifies that the Oracle FS System use the external NTP service as the time source.


Specifies the IP addresses of up to three servers as candidates for providing the NTP service. If you are providing more than one candidate, specify the candidates in a comma separated list. Each time you change one or more of these servers, provide the IP addresses of all NTP server candidates.


Disable the NTP service and then manually set the current date and time for the internal hardware clock.
Note: Dates and times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  • Current date: 21 May 2013

  • Current time: 12:30:00.000

$ fscli time ‑modify ‑noNtpService
$ fscli time ‑modify ‑dateTime 2013-05-21T12:30:00.000