ups list

Displays information about SNMP-enabled UPS devices that the Oracle FS System is configured to query.


ups ‑list 
   [‑ups ups‑id‑or‑fqn [, ups‑id‑or‑fqn]... ]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


The ups ‑list command returns SNMP MIB information from one or more SNMP-enabled UPS devices. Before issuing an ups ‑list command, define the Oracle FS System as an SNMP query host. Run the snmp_host ‑add command with the following information:
A name to identify the Oracle FS System as an SNMP query host. Example: UPS_query_host
IP address
The shared IP address of the Oracle FS System.
Enter the unique community string that is provided by the UPS device vendor.
Trap Port
Enter port 161 for SNMP query hosts.

After the Oracle FS System is configured to be an SNMP query host, issue the ups ‑list command to display the fully qualified names (FQNs) of the UPS devices that the Oracle FS System is configured to query. Run the ups ‑list ‑details command to issue an SNMP query command.

Administrators with primary administrator, admin1, admin2, monitor, or support roles are authorized to run this command.

Note: Administrators with primary administrator, admin1, admin2, monitor, or support roles are authorized to run the ups list command.


Issues an SNMP UPS MIB query command to obtain the following information about one or more UPS devices:
  • The IP address of the UPS device

  • The SNMP community string

  • The model number

  • The firmware version

  • The serial number

  • The source of power

  • The status of the battery


Specifies the name of the UPS device. UPS names are unique across the Oracle FS System. When specifying more than one device, provide the names in a comma separated list. The names must be preceded by a forward slash (/). and are 256 or fewer UTF‑8 characters.



Issue an SNMP query command to return the status of all UPS devices that are configured to send SNMP traps to the Oracle FS System.

  • None

$ fscli ups ‑list ‑details