ups modify

Changes the name, IP address, or SNMP community string for a given UPS device.


ups ‑modify 
   ‑ups ups‑id‑or‑fqn
   [‑name new‑ups‑name]
   [‑ip ip‑address]
   [‑community community]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


Run the ups ‑modify command to re-configure the SNMP settings for a given UPS device. If you are changing the community string, be sure that you also run the following commands to change the community strings for the SNMP trap host and query host definitions of the Oracle FS System:
snmp_host ‑modify ‑name /UPS_trap_host ‑community new-vendor-string
Changes the community string for the Oracle FS System to use to authenticate the SNMP traps that are sent by the UPS device.
snmp_host ‑modify ‑name /UPS_query_host ‑community new-vendor-string
Changes the community string for the Oracle FS System to send when querying the UPS device for information.
Note: As shown in the list above, when properly configured, there are two SNMP host entries for the Oracle FS System. Run the snmp_host ‑list command to obtain the unique identifiers for both entries.

Only administrators with primary administrator or admin1 roles are authorized to run this command.

Note: Only administrators with primary administrator or admin1 roles are authorized to run the ups modify command.



Specifies the fully qualified name (FQN) of the UPS device. The name must be preceded by a forward slash (/). You can also specify the unique ID for the UPS device.

Specifies the name of the new UPS that you have installed. The name that you provide is used to create an fully qualified name (FQN) after you power up the UPS and the Oracle FS System software discovers it. Use double quotation marks around names containing spaces or dashes. The following characters are invalid in a UPS name:
  • Non-printable characters, including ASCII 0 through 31, decimal

  • / (slash) and \ (backslash)

  • . (dot) and .. (dot dot)

  • Tabs

The Oracle FS System removes leading spaces and trailing spaces. Names are case sensitive.

Specifies the new IP address of a UPS device that the Oracle FS System is monitoring on the management network.


Identifies the community string for the Oracle FS System to authenticate the SNMP traps that are sent by UPS devices. Use the unique community string that is provided by the UPS vendor. The string you specify must match the community string that you specify when you configure the Oracle FS System to be an SNMP trap host



Change the SNMP community string that is used for authentication to a new string that was provided by the UPS vendor to support a recent firmware upgrade.

  • The name of the Oracle FS System as an SNMP trap host: /UPS_trap_host

  • The name of the Oracle FS System as an SNMP query host: /UPS_query_host

  • The name of the UPS device preceded by a forward slash (/) character: /Bldg7UPS

  • The new community string: 22269VmDC12

$ fscli snmp_host ‑modify ‑id /UPS_trap_host ‑community 22269VmDC12
$ fscli snmp_host ‑modify ‑id /UPS_query_host ‑community 22269VmDC12
$ fscli ups ‑modify ‑name /Bldg7UPS ‑community 22269VmDC12