6 Process Integration for Quotes

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for Quotes and discusses the Quotes integration flow, Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM) and Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle EBS) interfaces, core Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) components, and integration services.

This chapter includes the following sections:

6.1 Process Integration for Quotes

The process integration for Quotes enables companies to negotiate sales with prospects based on a variety of factors, such as product and price. Siebel CRM is used to capture quotes. Because Siebel CRM also handles pricing, quotes can be created and displayed immediately. After a quote is approved, it can be sent to the back office for order fulfillment. After a quote is submitted to the back office, no further updates can be made in Siebel CRM.

The Quote integration flow can enable the Customer integration flow if required. If a quote has customer information that has not yet been created in the back office, the customer information is synchronized before the quote is created in the back office.

Quotes can consist of simple products or configurable products. When a quote has configurable products, they are customized by invoking the Oracle Configurator. Siebel CRM and Oracle Configurator are seamlessly integrated.

For more information about Oracle Configurator, see that product's documentation

6.1.1 Prerequisites

Find prerequisites in Section 13.5, "Quotes: Prerequisites and Data Requirements."

6.1.2 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

The constraints for the Quotes integration are:

  1. When a quote is submitted to Oracle EBS, the quote integration life cycle ends. There are no further updates to it in Siebel CRM.

  2. Quotes must be in approved status before they can be submitted to the back office.

  3. Business-to-Customer (B2C) scenarios are not supported by this integration.

  4. As delivered, available-to-promise (ATP) check, credit check, and shipping charges services are not supported with Quotes.

6.2 Quotes Integration Flow

In the Quotes integration flow, a customer initiates a request for a quote. The customer service representative (CSR) captures all of the necessary header information and then proceeds with the quote line items, based on the products requested by the customer.

Siebel CRM is used to determine pricing. Siebel CRM also allows the immediate creation of quotes without getting pricing information from a back office system.

The CSR gives the quote details to the customer. After the customer approves the quote, the CSR submits it to the back office for order fulfillment.

Figure 6-1 illustrates the flow for the Quotes process integration.

Figure 6-1 Quotes Process Integration

Quotes Process Integration

6.3 Siebel CRM Interfaces

The Quotes integration flow uses the following Siebel CRM web services:

Inbound Siebel CRM Web Services

  • Service Name: SWIQuoteUpsert

  • Operation Name: SBLQuoteUpsert

  • Request Schema: SWIQuoteIO.xsd

  • Response Schema: SWIQuoteIO.xsd

Outbound Siebel CRM Web Service

  • Quote Submitted - Siebel invokes the ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSProducer with the ListOfSWIQuoteIO application business message (ABM).

For more information about Siebel web services, see CRM Web Services Reference.

6.4 Oracle EBS Interfaces

The Quotes integration flow uses the following Oracle EBS web service:

Inbound to EBS Web Service

  • OE_INBOUND_INT.PROCESS_ORDER (Process Sales Order Service)

For more information about Oracle E-Business Suite web services and documentation prior to Release 12.1.3, see the library on Oracle Technology Network: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/documentation/applications-167706.html?. For Oracle E-Business Suite documentation for R12.1.3 and beyond, see this library: https://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E18727_01/index.htm?

6.5 Core Oracle AIA Components

The Quotes integration uses the following delivered horizontal components:

  • SalesOrderEBO

  • ProcessSalesOrderEBM

  • ProcessSalesOrderResponseEBM

  • CreateSalesOrderEBM

  • CreateSalesOrderResponseEBM

  • UpdateSalesOrderEBM

  • UpdateSalesOrderResponseEBM

The industry enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message XML schema (EBM XSD) files are located here: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/EBO/

The industry enterprise business service (EBS) WSDL files are located here: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected, and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Understanding Extensibility."

6.6 Integration Services

The following services are delivered with the process integration for Quotes:

  • ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSProducer

  • ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSConsumer

  • ProcessQuoteSiebelReqABCSImpl

  • ProcessQuoteSoapMsgSiebelJMSConsumer

Additionally, the process integration for Quotes uses the following services from the process integration for Orders:

  • SalesOrderOrchestrationEBSV2

  • SalesOrderOrchestrationResponseEBSV2

  • InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF

  • InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBFV2

  • SalesOrderEBSV2

  • CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl

  • ProcessSalesOrderEbizAdapter

  • SalesOrderResponseEBSV2

  • UpdateSalesOrderSiebelProvABCSImpl

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

6.6.1 ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSProducer

The ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSProducer service is responsible for providing guaranteed delivery of the ProcessQuote Siebel ABM to the Java Message Service (JMS) queue. This service is invoked synchronously from the Siebel application workflow. The response indicates whether the message was successfully enqueued. This service is invoked as part of the Create Quote integration flow only when Siebel application 8.0.0.x versions are used.

You should assume that the Siebel Quote was validated from within the Siebel workflow.

The ProcessSalesQuoteSiebelJMSProducer service has a single synchronous request+reply operation: ProcessQuote.

6.6.2 ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSConsumer

The ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSConsumer service dequeues the ProcessQuote Siebel ABM from the JMS queue and asynchronously invokes the ProcessQuoteSiebelReqABCSImpl service. This service is invoked as part of the Create Quote integration flow only when the Siebel application 8.0.0.x versions are used.

The ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSConsumer service has an inbound JMS adapter front end that subscribes to the JMS queue.

The ProcessQuoteSiebelJMSConsumer service is implemented as an inbound JMS adapter service in Mediator.

6.6.3 ProcessQuoteSoapMsgSiebelJMSConsumer

The ProcessQuoteSoapMsgSiebelJMSConsumer service dequeues the ProcessQuote Siebel ABM from the JMS queue and asynchronously invokes the ProcessQuoteSiebelReqABCSImpl service. This service is invoked as part of the Create Quote integration flow when the version of the Siebel CRM application is 8.1.1.x.

The ProcessQuoteSoapMsgSiebelJMSConsumer service has an inbound JMS adapter front end that subscribes to the JMS queue.

The ProcessQuoteSoapMsgSiebelJMSConsumer service is implemented as an inbound JMS adapter service in Mediator.

6.6.4 ProcessQuoteSiebelReqABCSImpl

The ProcessQuoteSiebelReqABCSImpl service transforms the ProcessQuote Siebel ABM into the canonical ProcessSalesOrderEBM and asynchronously invokes the ProcessSalesOrder operation of the SalesOrderOrchestrationEBSV2 to initiate the InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBFV2. This service is invoked as part of the Create Order/Quote integration flow.

As part of the transformation to the ProcessSalesOrderEBM, the system generates common IDs for the quote and quote lines, referenced accounts, referenced ship-to and bill-to addresses, and contacts, and populates the cross-reference with them.

The ProcessQuoteSiebelReqABCSImpl service has a single asynchronous request-only operation, ProcessQuote, and it accepts the Siebel Quote ABM.

The one transformation is ProcessQuoteABM to ProcessSalesOrderEBM.

The ProcessQuoteSiebelReqABCSImpl application business connector service (ABCS) is implemented as an asynchronous request-only Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process.