8 Shipping Charges Integration Flow

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for Shipping Charges and discusses the shipping charges integration flow, Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM) and Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) interfaces, core Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) components, and integration services.

This chapter includes the following sections:

8.1 Process Integration for Shipping Charges

The Shipping Charges integration flow can be called on request before calling the Order process integration flow. The Shipping Charges integration flow starts in Siebel CRM and obtains the estimated shipping cost from OTM. The source address, destination address, and weight information are passed to OTM to calculate the shipping charges. OTM responds with an amount, and this data is returned to Siebel CRM so that a Customer Service Representative (CSR) can inform the customer and continue with the order creation process.

The cost setup is maintained in OTM for all shipping locations (source and destination). The integration flow provides support for weight-based calculations only; the weight must be manually entered in Siebel CRM, and it is not included in the product synchronization integration flow.

The address, weight, and inventory source information are transferred to OTM to calculate and return the shipping charge amount. The Actual Freight charge calculations occur only at the time of shipping in Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle EBS).

This integration flow works with Siebel sales orders only, not quotes.

Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-2 illustrate where the Shipping Charges integration flow fits in the Order to Cash integration flow.

Figure 8-1 Shipping Charges Integration Flow (1 of 2)

Shipping Charges Integration Flow (1 of 2)

Figure 8-2 Shipping Charges Integration Flow (2 of 2)

Shipping Charges Integration Flow (2 of 2)

8.1.2 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

The assumptions for the Shipping Charges integration flow are:

  1. Shipping charges integration flow is not supported for complex products (such as Bill of Material (BoM)).

  2. Shipping charges integration flow is not supported for Quotes.

  3. Physical weight is the only criteria available for estimating shipping charges in this integration flow.

    The default value for the unit of measure (UOM) for physical weight is specified in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

  4. The actual shipping charges are calculated in Oracle EBS when the order is fulfilled. These charges are synchronized to Siebel CRM in the Update Order flow.

8.2 Shipping Charges Integration Flow

This integration flow uses the following interfaces:

  • SalesOrderEBS

  • CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl

  • ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Figure 8-3 illustrates the Shipping Charges integration scenario.

Figure 8-3 Shipping Charges Flow Sequence Diagram

Shipping Charges Flow Sequence Diagram
  1. In the Siebel Order window, search for and select your order.

    Order line items appear in the line item applet. Navigate to the Shipping tab, select the account, and ensure that it has a valid address; this is the ship-to address. Navigate to the Fulfillments subtab and select the Source at Header level or Source at Line level for all the line items. Navigate to the Summary tab and enter the weight of the product for all the simple products. Click Shipping Charges in the lower applet.

  2. Invoke the Siebel web service, which calls the CalculateShippingChargeSiebelReqABCSImpl with the operation CalculateShippingCharge.

  3. The CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl transforms the CalculateShippingChargeSiebelReqMsg into the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationEBM and invokes the SalesOrderEBS with the operation ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculation and QueryCode ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculation.

  4. Invoking the SalesOrderEBS with the message ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeEBM and the operation CalculateShippingCharge and QueryCode ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculation routes the message to the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl.

  5. The ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl with input message ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationEBM does a transformation to OTM web service input to invoke the OTM web service.

  6. The OTM web service output is transformed into ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationResponseEBM, and the response is returned to the SalesOrderEBS.

  7. The SalesOrderEBS with the message ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationResponseEBM and operation CalculateShippingCharge routes the message to the invoking ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl.

  8. The CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl transforms the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationResponseEBM to the CalculateShippingChargeSiebelRespMsg and sends the response back to the invoking sync web service.

  9. The shipping charges are returned to and appear in Siebel CRM.

8.3 Siebel CRM Interfaces

The Siebel CRM interfaces for the Shipping Charges integration flow are:

  • SWIOrderIO.xsd

    Siebel calls CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl with a CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderReqMsg application business message (ABM).

  • SWIOrderIO.xsd

    Siebel expects a CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderRespMsg ABM from CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl.

For more information about Siebel web services, see CRM Web Services Reference.

8.4 OTM Interfaces

The OTM interfaces for the Shipping Charges integration flow are:

  • GLOG.xsd

    Logis CalculateShippingCharge Request ABM

  • GLOG.xsd

    Logis CalculateShippingCharge Response ABM

For more information about OTM, see the product documentation

8.5 Core Oracle AIA Components

The Shipping Charges integration flow uses the following delivered horizontal components:

  • SalesOrderEBO

  • ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeEBM

  • ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeResponseEBM

The industry enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message XML schema (EBM XSD) files are located here: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/EBO/

The industry enterprise business service (EBS) WSDL files are located here: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected, and they remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Understanding Extensibility."

8.6 Integration Services

The following services are delivered with the Shipping Charges integration flow:

  • SalesOrderEBS

  • CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl

  • ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

8.6.1 SalesOrderEBS

For the Shipping Charges integration flow, the SalesOrderEBS exposes the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculation operation and:

  • Routes ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationEBM to the OTM provider service.

  • Routes ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationResponseEBM to the Requester service.

For more information about this EBS, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Designing and Developing Enterprise Business Services" and Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Understanding Enterprise Business Services."

8.6.2 CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl

The CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl is the application business connector service (ABCS) that exposes the following operations related to Shipping Charges integration on the Siebel ABM.

The ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculation integration flow uses this business process Execution Language (BPEL) process. The CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl transforms the Siebel request message into the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationEBM and invokes the SalesOrderEBS with the operation ProcessSalesOrderShippingCharge.

The SalesOrderEBS routes the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationEBM to the provider service ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl. The provider service gets the ShippingCharge details from OTM and sends back the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationResponseEBM to the EBS. The EBS then routes this message to the CalculateShippingChargeSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl.

The ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculation then transforms the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationResponseEBM to the Siebel response message and returns it to the calling Siebel web service.

The CalculateShippingChargeSiebelABCSImpl has the following transformations:

  • XformShippingChargesSiebelReqMsg_to_ProcessSalesOrderShippingCharge CalculationEBM

  • XformProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationResponseEBM_to_ShippingCharges SiebelRespMsg

8.6.3 ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl

The ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl is part of the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculation integration flow. This is the provider implementation for calculating shipping charges when OTM is used for logistics and fleet management.

The SalesOrderEBS routes the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationEBM message to the Provider ABCS ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl.

The ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl transforms the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationEBM message to the OTM web service message. The Provider ABCS calls the OTM web service and gets the response message from OTM. The ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeLogisticsProvABCSImpl transforms this response ABM message to the ProcessSalesOrderShippingChargeCalculationResponseEBM and sends it back to the SalesOrderEBS.