7 Data Requirements and Prerequisites

This chapter discusses data requirements and perquisites for the Oracle Driver Management for Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle E-Business Suite integrations.

This chapter includes the following section:

7.1 Driver Profile Integration

These are the data requirements:

  • Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle EBS) Human Resource (HR) should be configured with the appropriate minimum driver data.

  • The driver must be actively engaged or employed.

  • All the required configuration properties must be specified.

These are the prerequisites:

The first name is mandatory in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM). Though not mandatory for the interface to work and for synchronizing the records, the user must enter this value in the Oracle EBS.

The driver profile flow should subscribe to a group event in the Oracle EBS HRMS Workflow. The multiple events associated with the create, remove, update, delete (CRUD) operations of the Driver Maintenance in HRMS are under one group event. This simplifies the processing of driver data from Oracle EBS to OTM. The Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) user should subscribe to the group event in the Oracle EBS workflow manually.

  • The subscription to the Oracle EBS Events should be updated. The rule data for the subscription to the Oracle EBS HRMS events should be updated from the key to the message to get the required data from the Oracle EBS Database.

  • All the business events listed here are mapped to the group event and should be enabled manually. If any new business event is mapped to this group, it should also be enabled.

    • · oracle.apps.per.api.person.update_person

    • · oracle.apps.per.api.phone.create_phone

    • · oracle.apps.per.api.phone.update_phone

    • · oracle.apps.per.api.phone.delete_phone

    • oracle.apps.per.api.qualifications.create_qualification

    • oracle.apps.per.api.qualifications.update_qualification

    • oracle.apps.per.api.qualifications.delete_qualification

    • oracle.apps.per.api.person.delete_person

    • oracle.apps.per.api.person_address.create_person_address

    • oracle.apps.per.api.person_address.update_person_address

    • oracle.apps.per.api.person_address.update_pers_addr_with_style

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_cwk_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_cwk_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_cwk_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_cwk_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_cwk_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_cwk_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_cwk_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_emp_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.update_emp_asg_criteria

    • oracle.apps.per.api.ex_employee.actual_termination_emp

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.suspend_emp_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.assignment.suspend_cwk_asg

    • oracle.apps.per.api.contingent_worker.terminate_placement

    • oracle.apps.per.api.contingent_worker.reverse_terminate_placement

    • oracle.apps.per.api.ex_employee.reverse_terminate_employee

    • oracle.apps.per.api.cancel_hire.cancel_hire

    • oracle.apps.per.api.delivery_methods.create_delivery_method

    • oracle.apps.per.api.delivery_methods.delete_delivery_method

    • oracle.apps.per.api.delivery_methods.update_delivery_method

    • oracle.apps.per.api.contingent_worker.create_cwk

    • oracle.apps.ota.api.cert_enrollment.create_cert_enrollment

    • oracle.apps.ota.api.cert_enrollment.delete_cert_enrollment

    • oracle.apps.ota.api.cert_enrollment.update_cert_enrollment

    • oracle.apps.ota.api.delegate_booking.create_delegate_booking

    • oracle.apps.ota.api.delegate_booking.update_delegate_booking

    • oracle.apps.ota.api.delegate_booking.delete_delegate_booking

  • Details for creating a subscription for the oracle.apps.per.person.groupevent group event are:

    • Action Type: Custom

    • On Error: Skip To Next

    • PL/SQL Rule Function: per_person_profile.raise_person_profile_event

    • Owner Name: Human Resources

    • Owner Tag: PER

  • Attribute1 and Attribute2 are the flexfields available in the qualification of the Oracle EBS. These columns should be configured to the CDL_Issuing_State and the CDL_Issuing_Country_GID.

  • The Assignment category should be the driver for the record to be synchronized to OTM.

7.1.1 Location Integration

The location integration has no data requirements or prerequisites.

7.1.2 Training and Absence Calendar Integration

These are the data requirements:

  • Drivers must be synchronized between Oracle EBS and OTM.

  • Training Locations must be synchronized to OTM for all training events.

  • All the required configuration properties should also be specified.

7.1.3 Work Invoice Integration

The prerequisite is that the driver included in the work invoice must be synchronized into OTM.