12 Configuring Oracle Order Management Integration Pack for OTM, Oracle EBS, and Siebel CRM

This chapter discusses how to configure the Oracle Order Management Integration Pack for Oracle Transportation Management (OTM), Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle EBS), and Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM), including setting configuration properties, error handling, and Enterprise Business Object (EBO) implementation maps (EIMs).

This chapter includes the following sections:

12.1 Setting Configuration Properties

Each section includes details required for the properties that must be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file. The file is located in <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/AIAMetaData/config.

For more information about requirements for working with AIAConfigurationProperties.xml, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Building AIA Integration Flows," How to Set Up AIA Workstation.

12.1.1 SyncCustomerPartyListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Table 12-1 SyncCustomerPartyListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Property Name Value/Default Value Description



Based on the SenderHostName obtained from application business message (ABM), sender SystemID is derived, but if that value is not available in ABM, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True/False, Default=False

Determines whether the EndpointURI should be routed either to the end application service or CAVS for simulating the service.



This property is used to derive the EndpointURI for the target application.



This property is used to determine the end point URI when the response message should be routed to composite application validation system (CAVS).



Sets the Response enterprise business message (EBM) message header EnvironmentCode element to the value depending on what is mentioned here.



Property specifies the domain of the Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) instance in which the Contact for the external system has been created.



Property specifies the Contact created in the OTM instance for the external system.



This property is used for checking the LanguageCode coming from requester. If that code matches with the acceptable language code of Oracle Transportation Management (OTM), then the processing moves on forward If the language codes do not match, the process is terminated.



Property specifies the URL used by OTM to return the response.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to application business message (ABM). It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic web service. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.



This property sets the EndpointURI for the composite application validation system (CAVS) simulator.


True/False Default=False

Determines whether the response message from the provider application should be sent to the requester application or to CAVS.


True/False Default=False

This property determines enabling extensions in the transformations based on customer requirements.



This property is used to read the default communication method of a contact for a location.



Determines the StatusType value to be used for the Location in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM).

For more information about Oracle Customer Hub master data management (MDM) service related configuration properties, see Oracle Customer Master Data Management Integration documentation.

12.1.2 SyncTransportationStopListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Table 12-2 SyncTransportationStopListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Property Name Value/Default Value Description


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to application business message (ABM) and after invoking Logistic web service. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic web service. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.



Sender SystemId is obtained from ABM to be used in EBMHeader. If it is not available in ABM, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True/False Default=False

Determines whether the EndpointURI should be routed either to the end application service or composite application validation system (CAVS) for simulating the service.



This property sets the EndpointURI for the target application.



This property defines the Endpoint URI for the CAVS simulator.

Routing.TransportationStopResponseEBS. SyncTransportationStopListResponse.RouteToCAVS

True/False Default=False

This property determines whether the response message should be routed to CAVS or not.




Sets the response message EBM header Environment Code element to this value.




Defines the CAVS EndpointURI for response message.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after enterprise business message (EBM) to ABM transformation and before invoking the target. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

Property used to determine enabling extensions in the Transformations based on the customer requirements.



This property indicates the language code for the Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) system. It is used for matching the LanguageCode coming from requester. If the language code does not match, the process is terminated.



Property specifies the URL used by OTM to return the response.



This property is used to read the default communication method for a location contact.



Sender SystemId is obtained from EBMHeader, but if it is empty AIA reads it from the config file using this property.



Determines whether the EndpointURI should be routed either to the end application service or composite application validation system (CAVS) for simulating the service.



This property sets the EndpointURI for the target application.



This property sets the EndpointURI for the CAVS simulator.




This property determines whether the response message should be routed to CAVS or not.




Sets the EnvironmentCode element to the value PRODUCTION.




Defines the CAVS EndpointURI.



Property specifies the domain of the OTM instance in which the Contact for the external system has been created.



Property specifies the Contact created in the OTM instance for the external system.



This property is used as an extension point after enterprise business message (EBM) to application business message (ABM) transformation and before invoking the target. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.



Property used to determine enabling extensions in the Transformations based on the customer requirements.



This property is used for checking the LanguageCode coming from Seibel matches with the acceptable code of Oracle Transportation Management (OTM). If the language code does not match, the process is terminated.



This property is used to set the default communication method.

12.1.3 SyncTransportationStopContactSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer

Table 12-3 SyncTransportationStopContactSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer

Property Name Value/Default Value Description



It is the responsibility of the application to send the SystemID from which the request is being sent. If any requester application fails to send the SystemID, AIA picks the default SystemID from this property.


True/False Default=False

If this property value is set to false, then invokes the Siebel webservice endpoint web services definition language (WSDL). If the property value is set to true, then it invokes simulator.



This holds the URI of composite application validation system (CAVS) simulator where the aggregator should send the request.



This holds the URI of Siebel webs service where the aggregator should send the request.

12.1.4 SyncTransportationStopAddressSiebelAggregatorAdapter

Table 12-4 SyncTransportationStopAddressSiebelAggregatorAdapter

Property Name Value/Default Value Description



It is the responsibility of the application to send the SystemID from which the request is being sent. If any requester application SystemID, AIA picks the default SystemID from this config property.


True/false Default=False

If this property value is set to false, then the service invokes the Siebel webservice endpoint WSDL. If the property value is set to true, then it invokes simulator.



This holds the URI of CAVS simulator where the aggregator should send the request.



This holds the URI of Siebel web service where the aggregator should send the request.

12.1.5 SyncTransportationStopListSiebelReqABCSImpl

Table 12-5 SyncTransportationStopListSiebelReqABCSImpl

Property Name Value/Default Value Description



Based on the SenderHostName obtained from application business message (ABM), sender SystemID is derived. If ABM sends that as empty, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point before ABM is transformed to enterprise business message (EBM). It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

This property is used to determine whether to route the request to CAVS.



This property is used to get End Point URI when Routing.TransportationStopEBS. SyncTransportationStopList.RouteToCAVS is true.



This property is used to set the environment code in the EBM header of the request message.


True/False Default=False

This property should be set to True, when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in XSL.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after ABM to enterprise business message (EBM) transformation and before Invoking the EBS. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.

12.1.6 SyncTransportationSalesOrderListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Table 12-6 SyncTransportationSalesOrderListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Property Name Value/Default Value Description


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to application business message (ABM) and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.



Based on the SenderHostName obtained from ABM, sender SystemID is derived, but if it is empty, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True/False Default=False

Determines whether the EndpointURI should be routed either to the end application service or composite application validation system (CAVS) for simulating the service.



This property defines the EndpointURI for the target application.



This property defines the EndpointURI for the CAVS simulator.



This property determines whether the response message must be routed to CAVS or not.



This property value is used to set the EnvironmentCode element of the Response message.



Defines the composite application validation system (CAVS) EndpointURI for the response message.



Property specifies the domain of the OTM instance in which the Contact for the external system has been created.



Property specifies the Contact created in the Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) instance for the external system.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after enterprise business message (EBM) to ABM transformation and before invoking the target end point application for extensibility of application business message (ABM) message. It determines invocation of extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM for extensibility of EBM message. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

Used for determining enabling extensions in the Transformations based on customer requirements.



This property indicates the language code for the OTM system. It is used for matching the LanguageCode coming from requester. If the language code does not match, the process is terminated.



Property specifies the URL used by OTM to return the response.

12.1.7 SyncTransportationSalesOrderListSiebelReqABCSImpl

Table 12-7 SyncTransportationSalesOrderListSiebelReqABCSImpl

Property Name Value/Default Value Description


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.



Based on the SenderHostName obtained from application business message (ABM), sender SystemID is derived, but if it is empty, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

This property determines whether the message should be routed to composite application validation system (CAVS) or not.



This property defines the CAVS Endpoint.



This property is used to set the EnvironmentCode element in the request message.


True/false. Default=false.

This property is used as an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.



Property specifies the URL for routing to the Siebel application.

12.1.8 UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListSiebelProvABCSImpl

Table 12-8 UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListSiebelProvABCSImpl

Property Name Value/Default Value Description


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.



Based on the SenderHostName obtained from application business message (ABM), sender SystemID is derived and set in EBMHeader. If it is empty, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True/False Default=False

Determines whether the EndpointURI should be routed either to the end application service or CAVS for simulating the service.



This property defines the EndpointURI for the target application.



This property defines the EndpointURI for the CAVS simulator.


True/False Default=False

This property determines whether the response message must be routed to CAVS or not.



This property is used to set the environment code element of the response message.



Defines the CAVS EndpointURI for response message.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after enterprise business message (EBM) to ABM transformation and before invoking the target. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

Property used to determine enabling extensions in the Transformations based on customer requirements.

12.1.9 UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListLogisticsReqABCSImpl

Table 12-9 UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListLogisticsReqABCSImpl

Property Name Value/Default Value Description



Sender SystemId is obtained from application business message (ABM) and set into EBMHeader. If it is empty, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false


True/False Default=False

This property defines the end point URI of CAVS.


True/False Default=False

EnvironmentCode in the Header population is derived based on this value. If this property value is set to true, then the EnviromentCode value is set to CAVS and if the property value is not set, then the environment code is set to Production by default.



This property is used to set the Environment Code element of the request message.


True/false. Default = false.

This property is used as an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


True/False Default=False

This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.



This property is used to set the default language of Oracle Transportation Management (OTM).

12.1.10 SyncItemListSiebelReqABCSImpl

Table 12-10 SyncItemListSiebelReqABCSImpl

Property Name Property Value Description



Based on the SenderHostName obtained from ABM, sender SystemID is derived, but if it is empty, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.

ABCSExtension. PreXformABMtoEBM

True/False, Default = False

This property is used as an extension point before the ABM is transformed to EBM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.

ABCSExtension. PreInvokeEBS


This property is used as an extension point after the ABM is transformed to EBM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.



Property used for determining enabling XSL 2.0 extensions in the Transformations.



Determines whether the EndpointURI should be routed either to the end application service or CAVS for simulating the service.



Sets the EnvironmentCode element to the value PRODUCTION.



This property sets the EndpointURI for the composite application validation system (CAVS) simulator.

12.1.11 SyncItemListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Table 12-11 SyncItemListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Property Name Property Value Description


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to application business message (ABM) and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.



Sender SystemId is obtained from EBMHeader, but if it is empty, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True/False, Default = False

This property is used as an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false



This property is used as an extension point After the EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false



This property is used as an extension point after the response ABM is received from the provider and before it is transformed to response EBM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false



This property is used as an extension point after the response application business message (ABM) is received from the provider and before it is transformed to response EBM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false



Property used for determining enabling XSL 2.0 extensions in the Transformations.



Determines whether the EndpointURI should be routed either to the end application service or CAVS for simulating the service.



This property sets the EndpointURI for the composite application validation system (CAVS) simulator.



This property sets the EndpointURI for the target application.



Sets the EnvironmentCode element to the value PRODUCTION.



Property specifies the URL used by Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) to return the response.



Property specifies the OTM instance user name.



Property specifies the Contact created in the OTM instance for the external system.

12.1.12 QueryTransportationSalesOrderItineraryListSiebelReqABCSImpl

Table 12-12 QueryTransportationSalesOrderItineraryListSiebelReqABCSImpl

Property Name Property Value Description



Sender SystemId is obtained from ABM to be used in EBMHeader. If it is not available, then the AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


True / false Default=false

This property, which is used for populating EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode, decides whether the TransportationSalesOrderEBS should invoke CAVS or the Provider application's business connector service.

If the value is set to true, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and the EBS routes the request to CAVS.

If the value is set to false, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to the EnvironmentCode mentioned in AIAConfiguration property Routing.TransportationSalesOrderEBS.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, or if this property is not set, then the default EnvironmentCode is PRODUCTION. And in the EBS routing rules decide based on the EnvironmentCode where it should route.



This property defines the Environment Code to be populated in EBMHeader, which is used by the EBS to route it to the corresponding provider application business connector service or CAVS. This property is used while checking the RouteToCAVS property.



This property defines the Definition Id to be populated in MessageProcessingInstruction of the EBMHeader, when the RouteToCAVS property is set to true. This holds the URI of CAVS simulator where the EBS should the request.


True/false Default=false

This property is used as an extension point before ABM is transformed to enterprise business message (EBM). It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on its value.


True/false Default=false

This property is used as an extension point before ABM is transformed to EBM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on its value.



This property determines enabling extensions in the transformations based on customer requirements.

12.1.13 QueryTransportationSalesOrderItineraryListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Table 12-13 QueryTransportationSalesOrderItineraryListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

Property Name Property Value Description


True/False Default=False

This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to application business message (ABM) and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.


True/False Default=False

This property sets an extension point before EBM is transformed to ABM and after invoking Logistic webservice. It determines whether a service has to be invoked or not based on its value.



Sender SystemId is obtained from application business message (ABM) to be used in EBMHeader. If it is not available in ABM, AIA reads it from the config file using this property.


true/false Default=false

This property indicates whether the message should be sent to the target application or to CAVS.

If this property is set to true, the message is routed to CAVS, else it is routed to target application through adapter service if any. The URI of partnerlink is dynamically decided through a java activity based on this property.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to true, the URI of the simulator is dynamically derived by the java activity from this property



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to false, the URI of the partnerlink is dynamically derived by the java activity from this property. This property should hold the endpoint URI of the provider application or that of the adapter service connected to provider application if any.


true/false Default=false

This property is used as an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to ABM. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.


true/false Default=false

This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and before invoking the target application. It determines invocation of service at the extension point is to be made or not depending on whether it is true or false.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.

12.2 Handling Errors

For more information about AIA error handling, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Setting Up and Using Error Handling and Logging."

12.3 Enterprise Business Object Implementation Maps

For more information about using XSL Mapping Analyzer (XMAN), see Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, Using the XSL Mapping Analyzer. For more information about how services are mapped, see EBO Implementation Maps (EIMs) 881022.1 at My Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com/).